Saturday, October 15, 2011

The inevitable fall down the stairs

Well it finally happened, I fell down the stairs.  Tripped on the stupid dog's tail and down I went.  She just always has to be right by my feet when I'm trying to go up or down.  Thankfully, I was already holding onto the railing so I managed to fall on my rear all the way down. I did wench my shoulder because of the death grip I had on the railing and slammed my elbow on the stairs. Frost was fine.  She got out of there fast to escape the mommy bouncing down the stairs.  After a short recovery I decided to keep my plans of cleaning out my shed with neighbor Debbie.  I knew if I laid down and "rested" I would end up stiff.  I did however, ask Keith to interpret for me for Sunday.  I was pretty sore the next day (Oct 9th) and the pain in my shoulder has yet to fully subside.  I even got a massage, courtesy of my good friend Prudence.  It was nice, but I think I might need to see a chiropractor.

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