Sunday, October 23, 2011

Catastrophes need to be done now!

Last night our oven went out.  It didn't go out with a whimper either.  It went out with a strange buzzing sound, sparks and smoke.  I was preheating the oven for supper when I heard what sounded like a bug zapper and saw smoke coming from the oven vent.  I open the oven to be assaulted with flying sparks from the upper coil.  I quickly shut the door and turned the oven off.  The stove top was dangerously hot too.  After we let it cool we opened it up to see what happened.  The top coil was melted and an entire section completely broke off.  So now we have to buy a new oven.  Another expense we can barely afford.  I feel we are under attack!  I've been so stressed out over finances lately.  The kids have already been warned that there will only be one Christmas present for each kid this year.  And if things keep going this way we may have to just make some presents instead.  I have been looking for a part-time job that will allow me to continue home schooling.  Pray I find something or that the Lord will grand us a miracle.  I am so blessed to have helpful family and friends.  Kiki is letting us use her oven til we get a new one and Debbie offered her's too.  Gotta count the blessing as they come!

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