Tuesday, August 2, 2011

HINT screening.

I went in today for the HINT trial screening.  HINT stands for Helminth-induced Immunomodulation Therapy.  Helminth is a small parasitic intestinal worm [whip-worm].  In order to qualify I have to have new lesions on this MRI compared to the last MRI in June.  Sort of a smaller window than I originally thought.  If I don't qualify this time I can go back for another screening in 60 days.  If I still don't qualify then I will not be able to participate in the trial.  Although I sorta want to be in this trial it would be silly of me to wish for new lesions.  All I can do is leave it up to God.  He will get me sorted :).
I started the screening process with a delightful woman named Amita Azud.  She filled me in on all the above info but more in-depth.  We then proceeded to the research department which is in an area of the UW hospital with no windows.  Of course, 3/4 the way through I had to pee.  Like really bad.  When they stopped to put in the contrast I begged to be let out to use the bathroom.  I even peed before getting into the machine, but my bladder couldn't seem to last more than 45 min!  Note to self, take bladder control meds before an hour and 20 min MRI visit.  Again, I blogged way too much personal details.  Deal.

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