Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Samantha's 8th birthday

My little girl turned 8 yesterday.  We started the day with pancakes, per Sam's request.  Then we measured her hight.  She is exactly the same hight Zach was when he was 7!  Wow!
This year I did not make a cake.  That hasn't happened in years.  I normally always make a cake but Sam saw one at the grocery store and wanted it.  We at least put "Happy Birthday Sam" on our selves.

I forgot how freeing it was to not have to make a cake.  I do like making them.  It's always fun and exciting to see how they turn out and I've made some extravagant ones!
Sam's friend, Cassie, came over and we went sledding.
Wish more of her friends could have joined us for sledding but they were all busy.
We came back home and did gift opening time.

Sam's BFF Lily came over after school and we had cake.
The cake was alright.  My home made ones are always better, he he.  It had too much frosting.  But it was a fun day and we had the added bonus of getting rid of the booster seat!!!!

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