Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

The night before Christmas Eve, the kids had a sleep over at John and Jenny's.  Matt and I got a evening to ourselves.  I cooked him a special dinner, which was his Christmas present from me.  Lame I know, but we really enjoyed it.
Christmas Eve day we went to John and Jenny's house to join our kids and Kiki for a lovely lunch.   The weather was kind of icky.  It was rainy all day.  But at least the roads weren't bad.  We left their house around 5 pm becauswe I thought I had to interpret for services for my church.  Turns out none of the deaf people came, so I was just another audience member.
After church we came home and did our annual one gift opening.  The kids always open the gift they got from the other.

This year they wanted to let me open the gift they got me.  I was thrilled to see I got Doctor Who season 4 which has my favorite assistant, Donna Noble.

I'm currently loaning it out to Kiki so she can see the rest of season 4.  We are such Sci-fi geeks around here!
Christmas day started late.  Yes, we slept until 9 AM and after some waffles the kids opened their gifts.  After a while I didn't have a living room floor anymore.

It was a very layed back fun day.  we didn't have to stress about running around to other peoples houses or cook extravagent meals.  We got to simply enjoy one anothers company and stay in our pajama's most of the day.  Except for Sam who had to put on the sweater Grandma Rose gave her.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas from my persective.

Since I don't know old Christmas songs very well, I find it difficult to interpret them.  I find myself a little frustrated with the older songs.  I have to admit they are my least favorite part of Christmas.  I didn't grow up with these songs so they don't carry that nostalgic feeling for me as they do for most Christians.  So, I find myself fumbling along like a blind person in a maze.  Don't misread me here, I do love Christmas.  I love what it is all about.  I really enjoy the traditions our family is in the process of making.  I wouldn't give them up for the world.  I also wouldn't give up the childhood I had either.  Learning about all the Old Testament Hebrew holidays and getting to experience them. I feel this was an invaluable part of who I am.  I am able to see full circle of how those Old Testament celebrations and traditions related to and foreshadowed the coming Messiah.  I feel blessed to have had that background.  I almost feel sorry for those who have never celebrated Feast of Booths.  Which Jesus himself celebrated and is where he declared himself the Messiah!  Or never got to have some Days of Unleavened Bread treats.  I learned how to fast by the age of 13.  I mean really fast.  No food or any liquid besides water from sun up to sundown.  First few times was torture!  But I look back on it now as a valuable learning experience and I like that I can connect these things with how Jesus grew up.  He celebrated these same holidays!  Its like I got a glimpse of Him and what his life was like.
Strangely, I knew a lot about a holiday I didn't celebrate growing up.  I remember learning about how Jesus was actually born closer to fall than December.  And I learned the reason Christmas is celebrated in December is because Christians didn't know exactly when Jesus was born so they decided to celebrate Christ's birth on a pagan holiday.  That is the reason we didn't participate.  I don't see it that way anymore.  My persective is this; yes, it is on the same day as the old pagan holiday, but it was to done, so that the Christians could be lights to the world around them.  It was a way to use their own pagan celebration and turn it into a day of worship to the Son of God.  And that is worth celebrating.  Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gingerbread house project

Here it is, finally, our annual gingerbread house. Whew, it takes about 2 days to make this. I know, I could go out and buy ones of those kits which have all the items ready to put together in minutes. But, I don't know. I just like trying new recipes. Last years house seemed better constructed, but it didn't taste that good. This years recipe wasn't hard/solid enough. I think the roof might cave in, but it taste great. All in all it's not the beauty of the house that matters, but the time we spent together having fun, making a giant mess and creating memories.

Learning styles

Homeschooling 2 kids has certainly been an interesting study in human behavior and development. Zach has always been a child who learns best when he gets to teach. So he will read his history/science/ math etc.. and then teach it to me, Matt, Sam or anyone else who will listen. Sadly. it took me years to figure out this learning style. Anyway, in order to do this Zach needs to be alone then, when he is done he can be around people.
Zach also loves to argue. Doesn't matter what facts are give to him, he will stick to his original belief no matter how asinine it is. This can be very trying. I often have to step back, and either we do a search on the internet or a trip to the library to point out the truth. He hates to admit that he is or was wrong. I have to resist the urge to point out that he was wrong and that this whole messy argument, research and trip to the library could have been avoided if he would have just listened to me. Yeah, I sometimes can't resist and give the speech anyway. But, I have to keep in mind that he won't just blindly accept things. He questions, studies and forces others give proof. He would make a great lawyer one day. Like Thomas Jefferson once said, "Question with boldness..." That is certainly Zach's creed.
Samantha is a whole new ball of wax. She hates to be alone. She even labels herself as a "social butterfly" (Yes, she knows what it means). She has to be around a warm body in order to learn. So that also can include the dog. And if she is not cuddling, she has to be moving, humming, or fidgeting. I'm sure she would have a problem in public school, because she hates to sit. We attend a homeschool co-op called Quest. There, parents can teach one subject in a class room setting. For instance, Sam took a Spanish class taught by a long-time homeschooling mom. She got Sam. I mean, she understood how Sam ticks. She allowed Sam to stand next to her and read over her shoulder as she taught the class. Sam was able to fidget to her hearts content and she flourished in the class. The teacher told me that Sam picked up the language faster than most of the students.
Sam is also very musical. See previous blog about Zach's music lesson and you will see what I mean. She loves to sing. She will even make up songs about what ever she happens to be doing at the time. Drives Zach mad sometimes. So, I have one kid that needs silence and another who can't stop making noise. Gotta love God's sense of humor!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Nutcracker Ballet

Sam, her friend, Nina, and I went to Nutcracker Ballet this afternoon at the Overture Center in Madison WI. Act one was really good and the girls loved it. We had fantastic seats. Second balcony right in front. Act two, well, didn't seem to go with act one. It was like a spring theme. Now, I'm not exactly an art connoisseur. Maybe I missed something. It just seemed like they need to fill the time with something. Sadly, I would say I saw a better Nutcracker Ballet in little old Wausau Wisconsin's Grand Theater, years ago. You would think Madison's art community could have done better. And what was up with the multiculturalism? I don't remember that being in the story line. Not that it was awful or anything. It was a different take on it I guess. When the girls and I discussed the ballet, we all agreed we liked the first act better and Nina said she got sleepy during the second act. Granted, she is 6 and her attention span isn't like an adult, but I got drowsy too. Thank goodness, the tickets were free!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The charmer

Sam is my cuddlier. She loves to be read to, she gives out hugs and kisses several times a day as well as love notes that seem to litter my house. She can charm the pants off of anyone. She has been known to use this charm to get stuff. If I have to tell her "no" to a request she usually responds with "That's okay mom. I love you." Then, sometimes she will proceed with a compromise. Oh, she's good. It works mostly with Daddy. Matt even admitted to me, that was true. I'm a little tougher for her to crack but, she does try. The other day, she was having a difficult time with her English lesson. Not that it was hard to learn, but it involved a lot of writing and she just didn't want to do it. She tried her most useful strategy, "compromise with a hug." She wanted to only do one page instead of the usual two pages. It was tough, but I stayed firm. She dawdled for about 2 hours on this subject. Finally, Zach brings down a note from Sam That reads: "I love you Mom, can I do just one page?" I stuck to my guns, and said no. Sam was flabbergasted. I left the room to do dishes and unbeknown to her, I could hear her whine to Zach. "I told Mom I loved her and she still won't let me do just one page." HA! Sorry honey, not going to work on me and Daddy's at work.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My baby boy is thinking about going to public school

Zach said he might want to give public school a try. I will admit I have reservations about it. I know there are some good experience to be had in public school. And I think it would benefit him to see what it is like. He made sure to ask if he could leave public school at anytime, which I said yes, but told him he would have to finish a full year. His biggest concerns are bullies and homework. He's dealt with bullies before but only rare McDonalds Playground instances. With our homeschool group all ages play together. Sometimes you will see a 10 year old playing chess with a 7 year old and it's not an odd sight. We don't seem to segregate due to age differences. Zach is very social with all ages and can have a civil engaging conversation ranging form adult to child. Also, Zach doesn't get why you go to school all day then sometimes you have to bring work home and do more school. He told me once that was stupid. In his mind once you've learned it you should move on. But, he said he want's to experience reccess, group class rooms (which he has experenced with Quest Classes, but the group classes can have ages ranging from 8 to 14; not all the same age like in public school), and gym more than once a week. I know Zach would do fine in public school. It is us parents who will find it challenging. Matt works 2nd shift and would only see Zach on the weekends. Because, by the time Matt get's home at 10 PM Zach has to be asleep in order to wake up early for school. Matt normally sleeps till 9 or 10 AM and would probably bearly see him before he's off to school. This is the delema we face and Matt said he would have to figure something out so he could see his son more. Whether that means getting a different job or finding a day shift within his company. We will see I guess.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First major winter storm this season.

We decided to just have a snow day today. All the kids had off from school so we did too. I knew the kids would want to play with their friends on the big snow mounds. In the picture above, Zach is laying down and Sam has the pink coat on. The other two kids are neighbors that pretty much spent the day at my house playing inside and out then had snicker doodles. It was a fun day for the kids.
We were blessed to have our neighbor come over with his truck that had a plow on the front and helped us with the sidewalk. That's right, he used his truck to clear the sidewalk. The snow was so thick and deep snow blowers were not working. He also did the end of our driveway. I love my neighbors! Matt stayed home because his company decided to just close for the day due to the bad weather. So he did shovel the rest of our driveway and help Jeanne (older neighbor lady) with her driveway. When all the snow was finally done falling, we accumulated around 18 inches. Now we have to buckle down and prepare for the upcoming ice storm they are predicting for next week. Never a dull moment in Wisconsin.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving, what can I say. It was a blast as usual. This time we had the added bonus of meeting my new niece, Sydney for the first time. Oh, what a doll. She's such an easy going baby. Well, from my perspective anyway. Though, I don't have to do midnight feedings or chance dirty diapers. I love the age of my children!
Well, my mom and dad, (mostly Mom) hosted Thanksgiving for the whole Prahl side of my extended family. Yeah, their house is too small for that many people. Mom said next year we are all just going to do our individual family. I think, that will workout better for everyone. My mom doesn't need that kind of stress anyway.
The next day, we did the gift exchange for just my family and like usual, my mom refused to follow the gift suggestion list. She had my name this year so I got a griddle (not on the list) but I don't mind. It totally comes in handy for big breakfasts I make for my family. Wow, I didn't realize how great it was to do 6 pancakes at a time instead of one at a time. Enough on my lame excitement for cooking appliances. The kids got more Webkinz from Aunt Laura. Even though I said no toys. Who am I kidding right? They also got pajamas which they really needed. Sam loves her's a little too much. She insists on wearing them every night. Which means they get washed a lot and already have a small hole forming. I will attempt to stitch them soon. I'm no pro with a needle and thread. I got some awesome pictures of my dad getting his gift. His face was hilarious, but I promised him I wouldn't post it on here, sorry folks.
We got to hear all about Jacobs buck that he got during deer hunting. I want to say it was a six pointer. Ugh, I'm sure someone in my family will correct me. See this is what happens when I put blogging off for weeks at a time.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sydney Mae Marienthal Wheeler

Welcome Sydney Mae Wheeler! She arrived today at 4:04 AM. 7lbs 4 oz. 19 inches long
Congratulations Laura and Jeremy!
Mommy and baby are doing fine.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year Sam went as a black cat and Zach wore His Templar Knight costume he made for his Midevel HIstory class. The kids first stop was Aunt Kiki's door, then it was off to Subway for supper before heading to the Athletic Club for our churches "Autumn Festival". There the kids can play games for candy, see their friends, and have a Bible story time. We love going there every year because it beats walking outside in the cold and asking strangers for candy. Funny that we teach or kids not to do that, then encourage in on Halloween.

When we arrived we found that Sam and her girlfriend Isabelle were both dressed as black cats.
Zach spent most of his night with his Friend Mathew. While the kids played games Matt and I either followed the kids around or hung out with Mathew's dad, Gaylord. Since we are the only people who sign we kinda stick together. Gaylord is one funny guy. He always has a funny story to tell or a joke and he never passes up a moment to tease.
The night ended with a bag full of candy and the kids excitedly talking about what costume they will make for next year. Yes I said "make." We got a sewing machine so we are going to attempt to sew our own costumes for next year. Will update on the process of that next year.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Zach's music lesson

We had a discussion with Zach about the importance of practice. Even on things he already knows, like minus problems. Zach seemed to be having a tough time grasping the idea that practice is a good thing and is helpful. So Matt, takes him over to the keyboard and shows him how to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" while Sam and I watch. Matt shows Zach several times how to play the beginning of the song. Then Zach gives it a try. Once he got the beginning, Matt proceeds to show Zach more of the chords. Which Zach finds difficult to put together with the first part of the song. Thus illustrating Matt's point that in order to get the song done right he would have to practice a lot. Sam looks at me and whispers "he's not getting it." Meaning the song, because Zach was still not able to do the song right. But we didn't care because that was not the point of the exercise. So Zach leaves the keyboard and Sam rushes in and starts to play the song perfectly after only watching Matt and Zach play it over and over again. I look and Matt and we both start laughing. Matt was better able to compose himself, but I had to excuse myself into the living room because I was busting a gut laughing. Of course she would get it right the first time without even practicing! I'm just glad she didn't turn around and say "see Zach I don't need to practice."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sam and Lily

This past summer has bared witness to the development of a wonderful friendship between Sam and the neighbor girl, Lily. We've live here for 3 years and occasionally saw this little blond girl across the street by Jeanne's house. Jeanne is an older woman that doesn't have any young children at home anymore and her grandchildren live farther away. One day I was visiting Jeanne and this little girl came over and ask if she could use the swing set. I didn't know Jeanne had a swing set so Jeanne invited the kids to join lily on the swing set and that was it; Sam and Lily instantly bonded! Lily is a year younger than Sam and a sweet polite child. We like to say that Lily is Sam's blond twin! They are like sisters. They can have a fight, then forgive and forget so quickly. I sometimes watch the two of them playing and know that one day they will look back on these warm summer days with fondness. Jeanne says she just knows they will be live long friends. I hope she is right.
It's great to watch them say good bye. They are a reminder of how we should cherish one another. They always hug and say they love one another. If you were to witness this for the first time, you would think they weren't going to see each other for months or years. And then the next day, there Lily would be again at our front door.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day weekend camping trip at Lake Emily

So here is the camp site for Lake Emily. It was beautiful and couldn't ask for better weather! This site is clean the bathrooms are actually decent! the rent-a-site that we were in was really large and we had 3 families on it with room to spare. the kids had this one area that they mainly used for playing light saber fights. The camp grounds have these great big shower rooms that you can sit in. There was also a bird of prey presentation that was super cool! They guy had a live hawk, owl and a turkey vulture with him. All of them were at one time hit by cars, but where rescued and now used for this educational program. I wasn't able to see the presentation because I was dealing with buying firewood and reorganizing our tent. So, all the above info I received from my kids.
Pictured below is our tent and it's kinda hard to tell, but the lake is behind us just beyond the trees. We woke up every morning to this magnificent view.

We had a great time at the lake. Of course getting to and from the lake meant trekking up and down some major stairs. Quite the work out, but totally worth it!

We rented a boat and John took the boys fishing. Zach is laying down against Caleb in his blue hat. He looks totally relaxed. He later told me he got a nibble but didn't catch anything.
To my surprise the kids were not freaked out by minnows in the lake. They actually chased them!
And then to top off the vacation we celebrated Nathan's 2nd birthday with cupcakes! Doesn't get any better than this.I don't know if we will return next year but, at least we can catalog this vacation for the most part a positive. We did have one hiccup on our last night of camping. I won't got in to details of exactly what happened. But, basically we had 2 sleeping bags that we were not able to use. So the kids had to sleep in the back of Jenny's van with a thermal blanket and some other blankets were were able to scrounge up. It all worked out in the end.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Homeschool end of summer picnic

We had such a great time at the homeschool picnic. We meet at the Boyscout camp grounds. After lunch we had a gamepalooza! There was prizes for the winner of the games. One prize per winner. So a kid could win a few times but only allowed to get one prize. Zach and his team won the sack race. My camera wasn't working right so I didn't get a picture of that unfortunately.

Sam won the apple bobbing contest. Does this really surprise anyone that Sam won a contest involving food?!

Here is Zach with his good friend, William doing a 3 legged race. The tie broke right away so they just put there legs together and did their best.
They didn't win, but had a good time.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Zach's birthday.

Zach had a low key birthday this year. The theme was Neopets. He made his own pinata and helped me decorate his Neopet lemon poppy seed cake. He has been all about Legos recently so that is what he got from almost everyone. Except the few who gave him money. He is trying to save up money to got to camp next year so he put the money in the bank.

Mary Beth's visit

Mary Beth, Mabe for short, arrived at our house around midnight August 7th. She was greeted with lots of hugs and ticked off barking by my dog, Frost, who is normally gentle and thrilled to having people over. This time, however, Frost was freaked out by this person who dared to arrive so late at night in a cap and scarf. She pretty much held that first night's offense against Mabe for several days, but eventually did warm up to her.
Mabe stayed with us for little over a week. It was nice to get a chance to catch up with her and hear all about her time in Kenya working at a school for Deaf children. She has such a heart for them and it pained her to leave. Mabe is gifted in working with children. She knows how to relate to them. What make them tick and what helps them learn. She did so much good there and I know the Lord can't wait to use her again, now that her time there has ended. Speaking of which didn't end well. She was working for Peace Corp, but they fired her. See, Mabe made waves, by showing the teachers what works to help the children learn. The children started improving and making leaps in their education. They didn't like being shown their errors. Once she slipped up and traveled at night they proptly fired her as well as make false accusation about Mabe doing inappropriate things with the male students. We were floored by this news and wished we could have done something about it. Mabe hopes to make it back there for a visit to see how the kids are doing. For now she is back in CA, but we are trying to lure her to move here by us. You know, entice her with snow and a small city with not much to do :-\. I don't know if it's working.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


My friend Monica called and asked to meet us at the fair here in Janesville. If not for her call, I would have totally forgotten about it. We live so close to the grounds that we can walk there. The kids had a blast with their friend Mathew and I got a chance to catch up with Monica. Zach had a little incident. He bit down wrong, knocked a tooth loose and his mouth started bleeding. It was one of his lower k-9s that we thought was an adult tooth. So I had to leave Sam with Monica and take Zach to the dentist. Our fears were relieved when we were told it was a baby tooth and the adult tooth is trying to push it out but a spacer was preventing it. So we set up an appointment with an orthodontist and went back to the fair to join Monica, Mathew and Sam. I'm glad we were able to go back. It would have broken Zach's heart to have missed the fair.
Eventually the Mega Loop caught Sam's eye. So she went to see if she was big enough. I was secretly hoping she wasn't. But no such luck, Sam was just big enough.
I couldn't join her, but she didn't care. She is a roller coaster girl and nothing was going to stand in her way of a thrill! Zach was like, 'no way, am I going on that!' He went in the fun house next door with Mathew. Monica and I watch in amazement and trepidation as the roller coaster went round and round and occasionally hung upside down! When she got off she was shaking. She said it was scary, but fun! That's my girl!
Eventually the afternoon faded and Monica and her kids had to leave. We stayed and continued going on pretty much ever ride except the toddler ones. We ended the day with a nice relaxing ride on the Ferris Wheel.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July Summary

July is near it's completion and we have been very busy, so before we enter August I figured I better write about what we've been up to around here.

My dad had his now annual 4th of July party at his pond aka, Lake Rusty.

This year they added lobster to the menu. Not my thing, but it was interesting watching them cook them.

Johnny, pictured above went pond hopping with his snowmobile. He didn't make it across this time at all. They dragged it out of the pond and were able to start it up again!
Then there was a ballon fight and Mike was soaked by the time they were done because Shane and Jacob really got him good. The kids enjoyed chasing Shane around trying to get him.

After a change of clothes they brought out the sparklers for the kids. Sam was burned by a spark and has now sworn off sparklers completely. Zach was even scared to hold one after that. So when he finally did take one, he made a sparkler volcano in the sand area instead of holding it.

Mike was the fire works man this year. Jacob and Shane helped, but Mike did the majority of the work. He did a great job spacing out the fire works so that it kept our interest and it wasn't too long either.

Matt's work, Great Lakes, had their annual employee picnic at Henry Vilas Zoo. Not surprising, the kids really enjoyed it.

The kids and I attended my friend (and 3rd cousin) Jenny's wedding. She married her best friend Denny Hackel in Wausau.

The next day, after the wedding, my mother-in-law came to visit us in Janesville. I rushed home from Wausau to join them all at John and Jenny's house.
Grandma Rose left us this morning at 7 AM to fly back to CA, but has informed us that she hopes to move back to Wausau next summer, yay!!!

Phew, now on to August. Mary Beth is planning a visit Aug 8-21. Can't wait to see her. :o).

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mom's heart scare.

This past Monday (6/15/2009) my mom started experiencing a burning sensation in her jaw and neck. She woke my dad and asked him to take her to the hospital. He did (after taking a shower first). When my mom describe her symptoms, they rushed her back to run the gambit of test for her heart. Oh, let's see if I can remember them all.
1. She had a heart cath: A thin hollow flexible tube is inserted in the artery by the groin.

Pressure was measured and an x-ray angiogram movie of the heart and blood vessels are taken. They inject a "dye" through the catheter to make the arteries visible on the x-ray movie. I was surprised that they keep you awake for this one!

2. Ultrasounds on her heart and legs.

3. TEE (trans-thoracic echocardiogram)

Mom said the TEE was torturous! She said the tub going in wasn't that bad, but then the doctor asked her to cough. That is when the gag reflex kicked in and 2 nurses had to hold her down as she thrashed around til the doctor pulled it out. It is, of course, completely normal. Who wouldn't gag and thrash.
I'm sure there's more, but this is me so what do you expect.
With these procedures, they were able to see that my mom had a small heart attack in her right ventricle. The cause of the heart attack was a blood clot found in a vein at the base of her heart. Her arteries are otherwise clean; no plaque. She does have slightly high cholesterol, so the doctor proscribed her some meds for that and blood thinners. Also, they gave her nitroglycerin tablets to carry around with her. If she develops the same symptoms (burning sensation of jaw and throat.) She is suppose to take up to 3. If after three, the symptoms don't go away, then she is to go to the ER.

So that is the facts of it all, here is how it all went down on my end. My dad called me Monday morning at 9:35 to tell me something was wrong with mom and that she is with the doctors in the ER. I spent the morning waiting, worrying and praying (kids included). My dad told me they might put in a stint. If they did, there is a risk of a heart attack during the procedure. Later, he calls me and tells me she had a heart attack. For you Facebookers, you will remember I thought she got a heart attack from the stint. I was wrong and didn't know the full story til I drove to Wausau, to visit my mom. There, I got the info from the horses mouth, ie, my mom.
I left, Tuesday afternoon with the kids for Wausau. I drove to my sister's new house, dropped off the dog and kids with Laura's mother-in-law, Carla. The kids were just too antsy to visit grandma in the hospital. I got the blessed opportunity to meet the male nurse who talked too much and butted in on our conversations. I mean, the man well meaning, but he was just too much.
The next day was Wednesday, check out day. Mom was so eager to get out of the hospital. Plus, Laura was having an ultrasound that day and mom wanted to tag along. I met mom at the hospital just before she left with Laura, because I was in charge of gathering the massive amount of flowers people had brought her in the hospital. She got so many complements and comments on the numerous flowers she received. One nurse asked her how long she had been there and was shock when my mom told her two days.
After dropping the flowers off at mom and dad's house I met them, laura, Jeremy, and Carla, at Buffalo Wild Wings were we all learned that Laura is having a girl, Sydney Mae. Yay!!!

I am so glad I went up there. Not only did I get to see the ultrasound pictures right away, I was able to help my mom out a little. Some of you may already know that my mom is not one for sitting down. She is persistently on the move and has a million projects she is doing or wants to do. Telling her she can't lift anything over 5 lbs for 48 hours is equivalent to torture. But, that was the doctor's orders, so she had to allow me to things for her like plant the flowers she got while in the hospital in her garden (at least the ones that were potted) from and do laundry. Luckily, my aunt Jackie cleans her house every Monday, so she doesn't need to worry about that. I just wish I could have gotten her lawn mowed, but we ran out of time. I'm hoping my brother or dad will take care of that.
I can't believe how fast the time went. Mom is going back to work next Monday already. I wish could be up there longer to help her more. She isn't suppose to lift anything over 10 lbs for the next month. Yeah, I give her a week.
During my visit I made note of several things. One, my mom is proof that a life serving others is a blessing with rich returns. The day after she is out of the hospital she is having me take individual pictures of the flowers she received, so she can make personal "thank yous." Her mind was yet again on others. She saw how many people called her, sent her cards, and gifts. I could see she was blown away and yet she says, "oh, don't waste your money." I think it did her good to see that she was so loved. I know it was a testimony I won't forget, and that's saying something. The second thing I noticed was, the power of prayer. When I heard my mom's health was in jeopardy, I logged on to Facebook and pleaded for prayer on her behalf. I'm so thankful for all who lifted her life up before the Lord. Most had never met my mother or barely knew her! While I was driving up to Wausau, I did have a sense of calm wave over me. I just knew that things were going to be okay. Finally three,
God is good. Oh, I've known that for awhile now, but it was nice to be reminded.
Mom's little scare helped her (and me) see the need to slow down, enjoy life a little more, stop stressing so much about little things, cherish those you love and allow other to serve you so they can be so blessed. Now, hopefully she will heed the Lord's little tap on the shoulder and gather the blessings He wishes to lavish on her.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fame and new swing set.

The kids and I went to Farm and Fleet to buy a much needed weed-whacker. After locating it, we went to look for swing sets. I just went straight down the isle without really looking what was ahead of me. I was a little annoyed with all the cords laying around for me to maneuver my cart around, so I wasn't really looking as I loudly drove my cart into the production of a Farm and Fleet commercial. Oh, the massive embarrassment followed by apologies. So, after slinking out of there, we finally found the swing sets that were actually sold-out. Well we were already there, so we stuck around as they filmed the commercial. Zach was enthralled with the whole process and super excited when the main actor waved at him. Sam on the other hand, just played with the stuff animals on a nearby stand. I practically had to drag Zach out of there. He started plotting on how he could stumble into the commercial. Sorry buddy!

I did eventually find a swing set at Toys R Us which was last years model and on clearance. It took 3 days to put up. And technically it's not finished because we still need to put on the other 3 anchors. Oh, and if I every find the guy who put the directions together, I might strangle him.
But, after all the pain, sweat, and sudden out burst of screaming. The kids finally got to enjoy it a little with their neighbor friend, Lily.

One more little side note, there is suppose to be a teeter-tooter connected to the swing set, but it is currently on the rafters in the shed. Why? Because the lovely directions don't tell you which legs go where so we have the leg where the teeter-tooter attaches in the front. Turns out it has to be in the back or you can't connect it. So, in order to put the teeter-tooter on, we have to take off the 2 legs on the side and switch them. Matt, said that's not going to happen anytime soon (if at all).

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial weekend summary

We had a wonderful vacation up north this memorial weekend. We loaded up the van with camping gear, suitcases, and our dog Frost on Friday and didn't get back til Monday night (Memorial Day). 4-day vacation that went by way too fast. The original plan was to camp then help my sister move into her new house the last two days of our vacation. We arrived in Wausau around 4 PM on Friday stopped to pick up our cook-out food before heading to the camp site. Talked to Chris Stoerzer on the phone and discovered I had the wrong day for the camping trip/party. Thankfully it was still that weekend but instead of it being on Friday the party was actually on Sunday...oops! So, I called my mom and found out that there was a mix up with the bank's mortgage loan for Laura and Jeremy and it was on hold til it could be straightened out. Of course being a holiday weekend, that wasn't going to happen until the following Tuesday. That meant no moving for them til after I leave town >:-\. Frustrating for them, helpful to us. It kinda all worked out. Matt and I went to see the movie Terminator Salvation with my parents that evening, while the kids stayed with my grandpa Mathie and were able to spend quality time with him. Terminator Salvation was okay. Had some plot holes, but it's an action movie and had some great fight scenes, explosions, and an interesting enough story to keep my attention. Out of 10 stars, I give it a 6. The latest Star Trek movie, now that was a 9 out of 10.
The next day was an eventful kind of day filled with ATV rides for the kids, pond hopping with a snowmobile, shopping and golf. Well, Matt went golfing with my dad, Mike and Jacob. Mom, Laura and I went shopping. I bought some much needed shoes since I now have to wear arch supports, my shoes need to be a 1/2 size bigger to accommodate both arch supports and feet. I only brought with me one pair of shoes that were too small and hurt my feet. I found a comfy pair of shoes and of course, my mom found Sam a cute pink dress that was sale. Poor Zach was stuck shopping with us ladies and eventually ended up with a headache. We then went shopping for groceries and headed back to Mom and Dad's house for a cook out.
I suppose I should explain the "pond hopping" thing. One of Dad's friends called him up and announces he is going to try and drive his old snowmobile across Lake Rusty (Dad's rather large pond). Upon hearing this news we all flocked to our cars and ATVs and headed down to the pond. Where we got to see this:

It was an old junky snowmobile that was going to be pitched anyway, but this was a way more fun way to do it! They had attached a buoy so when they succeeded in sinking it, they could find it and drag it out with the truck. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to film the dragging it out part due to a bathroom emergency for Zach.
Now on to Sunday, the camping trip. Chris's father-in-law has some land and they use part of it as a camp site for themselves. Chris and Kristy have a camper that they keep on the property which is great because I really don't like going to the bathroom in the tick infested woods. Oi, the ticks and mosquitoes are bad this year. God bless repellent, man! We were able to get out of there tick free! I can't say that for everyone there though. Anyway, we had a blast getting together with old friends and meeting new ones! Something about a great campfire that brings people together.

Got a chance to test out our new tent which did a great job staying up against the strong wind that seemed determined to knock it down.

Listened to Matt and Chris do their Monte Python bits which I can't believe they still remember after all these years. Chris seems to have a endless supply of movie, TV, and book quotes stored in his head which he is able to access at anytime for the benefit of us all (who get to try and guess where the quote is from). The kids were excited to stay up late and eat S'mores. After they went to bed us adults stayed up past one just chatting and laughing.
The next day was really windy so the kites were brought out. One escaped and ended up in the trees

The kids played games with their new friends.

Then we took a walk down to a farmer friend of Chris and Kristy who had horses and the kids were able to feed them carrots and pet the dogs. Chris told this hilarious story about the first time he got to ride one of the horses. Who turns out didn't like Chris very much and galloped away with Chris holding on for dear life and praying like mad! The good Lord took pity on him because the horse eventually slowed down and Chris leaped off.
Before long we were packing up the van and heading back to my parents to pick up Frost and head for home. Oh yeah, we didn't take Frost with us camping because we didn't want to deal with watching her and yelling at her to stop jumping up on people or wondering off. My mom graciously took care of her which she soon regretted because Frost pooped on her brand-new rug, argh!
So, we are now home again, nursing our sun burns, and back to our old routine.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Kids bedroom ceiling

I can't believe it, the kids dangerous-soon-to-fall-in-ceiling is fixed! The room has been freshly painted and the kids are back in it now enjoying their dad reading them a story.
The man who fixed out ceiling was Ben O'lery. He goes to church with us and is definitely a God sent. He's honest, does good work, and kept his promises! I was starting to think those qualities didn't exist with contractors. Yeah!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ringing update

The Dr. Laurel Romer thinks the ringing is from too much aspirin. She asks that I dial back on the amount of aspirin I use. If possible I'm suppose to not use any aspirin and see if it goes away. If it doesn't subside, then it's off to the ENT doctor. Well, I've been aspirin free for about 2 weeks now and the ringing has been less frequent. Yay!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Quest Open House performances.

Last night was Quest Open House. Parents and friends gathered at Roxbury Church here in town to see all the things the kids have learned this semester. We had a great time! Matt switched his work schedule to a day shift so he could attend. I can't even express how great that was to have him there. Matt was the camcorder operator which allowed me to attend to my ASL (Sign Language) students. Here are some videos of the students showing off the ASL stories they learned. All the stories are fictional except Zach's story which was an introduction.

They all did a wonderful job. The ASL course I used to teach my students was created by a Deaf Director / Instructor / Webmaster: William G. Vicars. His full course can be found at:

Next set of vids are about Kindom series Medieval History class. This class was taught by Iaci Flanders. She was awesome. Always engaging the kids, making history come alive and interesting.

This next video has two boys from the medieval history class sword fighting with swords made out of PVC pipes.

Okay, last video. Zach talks about his Templar Knight costume. He talks really quiet so it is hard to hear what he says. But he basically explains that he pick being a Templar Knight because it's the only costume Mom knew how to make :). It's funny, because Matt made most of it.

Sam sang several songs for her choir class and Spanish class

Ring, ring...hello?

I've been experiencing ringing in my left ear. It's not a constant ringing, but it comes and goes. I don't really know what started it. I'm guessing it happen around the time I got a cold about 3 weeks ago. The cold was kinda bad but I didn't think it was that bad. Anyway, I set up an appointment for tomorrow, April 2nd. I really hope it goes away. It's annoying and causing problems for interpreting.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cranky neck explaination

I think I need to explain why it seems my neck has been waging war on me lately. I was in a car accident when I was, I think nineteen. And like the Taliban, it hid, waited, and plotted it attack. See, I never went to the hospital after the accident, in which my head slammed into the windshield and I got whiplash. Oddly enough, my head didn't hurt that much, but the next day my neck felt like I got a round house kick from Chuck Norris! I still didn't go to the hospital because I didn't have insurance. So I just let it heal; which it did and I felt fine for years. Okay, fast-forward to when we moved into our first home. After all the moving and lifting I was in intense pain like I had whiplash all over again! I would cry the pain was so bad. Well, this time I had insurance so I went in. Doc told me, that because I didn't take care of my neck when the injury first happened, my neck will be susceptible to relapse for the rest of my life! Now, I hope that explains why I seem to be injuring my neck so much. Oh the joys of an older body and I'm not that old! Shesh, if this keeps up, I'm gonna fall apart before I hit my 40s!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Enjoying silly music

Lately I've been in the mood for music that is fun. No, Emo here! I asked Matt to introduce me to some new music because I'm bored with what we have. So what does he find me...Flight of the Conchords and Jonathan Coulton. These singers have the most hilarious songs I think I've ever heard. Be advised that most of these songs are not child friendly.
Here are some examples of Jonathan Coulton:

Now for some Flight of the Conchords:

Can always count on Matt to find me just what I need to make me laugh and keep life interesting :).

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Neck injury

So, yesterday I was in immense pain. I injured my neck while I was working out. I didn't get to work out that long. In fact, I barely started when I developed a throbbing pain in neck that traveled up the right side of my head. I was doing one of my fav. total body work outs that I got off of Hulu:

It progressively got worse through out the day, until I couldn't take it anymore and popped some Naproxen. They be good meds :). Took it easy for the rest of the day and now I'm doing much better.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

An appropriate response?

So what do you do when someone hurts you or someone you love? Most times peoples responses are knee-jerk, and not in a good way. Someone I know recently retaliated in a way that shocked me to my core. They wrote the offender a note wishing them unhappiness and pain like they inflicted! I was flabbergasted! I mean, I understand their anger, my loved one was also hurt by this person. However, my response was sadness for them. Knowing that this person didn't have the love of Christ in their life and is a big factor in why they sin in the first place. I'm blessed that the Holy Spirit compelled me to pray for them. Don't get me wrong, I am still angry at what she did. And, when I was receiving the news of her numerous sins, my reactions wasn't completely without some choice words.
Matt is a study in human behavior. Not professionally but more recreational. Comes in handy at work too. Anyway, he has a habit of teaching me little tidbits about how people work. Plus, reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People" was beneficial! One thing is clear though, people are defensive when attacked and the opportunity for civility goes out the window! The same person who said "sorry," is now justifying their past wrongs because of being on the defensive. How does that help anyone?! People seem to think that if they berate a person that this will convince them to change their ways. When the total opposite is what normally happens.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Random babbling about what's been going on.

Yesterday we went to the Museum of Science and Industry. We had a blast. Here's a pix of the kids and I in front of the model of downtown Chicago. The lady said it took them 3-1/2 years to make it.

The rest of the pictures can be seen on

Yesterday was the last day that admissions was free. Of course being the last day meant that it was packed. Parking was flippin' $16 though! Free my a__!
Anyway, it was worth it. We had a great time. I'm glad I went there with older kids that could hand all the walking and truly get something out of the experience. Most of the science stuff would go over the heads of any child under the age of 7 or 8.

Matt got me a GPS this past Christmas and it totally paid for itself on this trip! Oh, thank you God that I live in the digital age! Traffic was a bit slow leaving Chicago. What should have been a 2 hour drive home took 4 hours. Of course the 3 pit stops on the way home influenced travel time too. I was exhausted! I went to bed early knowing I would have to interpret the next day.

Interpreting Note:
I had a weird interpreting day today. I was dizzy for some unknown reason. I've gone down the list of possible explanations and nothing fits as to the reason. Being dizzy makes it hard to concentrate, which meant I miss things or misunderstood what's being said. Frustrating. Normally, if I am dizzy it's because of my migraine meds being messed up. But I've been on the same dose for a while now and my body is use to it ):^?
The dizziness has since subsided and I hope it stays away. Matt has been having dizzy spells too but we are pretty sure his has to do with his diet. Could be not enough iron or low blood sugar. He's planning on see the doc about it.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Quest classes started today. The kids are involved in several classes. Zach is in a Kingdom series that is a really in depth study of medieval history with biblical allegories. The teacher is nice women who has her own children in the class. Zach, got a paper cut in the middle of class and that was the end of learning for him. My live in moment child turned his attention from the class discussion to his paper cut that stung. His easily distracted attention is not new to his teacher since she had him last semester for her Viking history class. We have worked out a system that I get his assignments instead of handing them to Zach. I know millions of parents have their own opinions on how to handle Zach and frankly, I don't care. They were not sitting in that class room. I was, and I was shocked at the high level of expectation required and the discussions going on with those homeschooled kids ranging from 9 to 14. These kids were excitedly discussing the allegoric representation of the fictional characters in these series of Books called "The Kingdom". At their age and I didn't even know what an allegory was, let alone know how to recognize it and apply it to the story I was reading. They also have to do worksheets, projects, finish a book in the series, then do a book report on it all before each Monday. Oh and of course, there are the extra reading material that is handed out each week about the history, culture and times of the middle ages. Looking it all over I felt overwhelmed for Zach. Of course, then I realized; hey, we homeschool. This one class takes care of English, history, writing, Bible study and even art! Phew! I think a few college kids would glean a great deal from this course, HA!

This semester I am teaching an ASL class using a curriculum that I got online (with permission) and teaching a group of kids ranging in age from 6 to 14. I have the younger kids and newbies doing more of the basics like ABC's, numbers, vocab and short sentences. the older, more experienced, and frankly more gifted students are doing stories. I gave each student a VHS tape of me signing the vocab and stories that they are required to learn. At the end of the semester I will be giving each of them an "I Love You" cookie cutter as a reward for all their hard work. Sam is in Phy Ed while Zach is in his Kingdom history class then Zach is in Phy Ed while Sam is in Spanish. Sam is also in choir but Zach uses that time to work on his Kingdom History class. We even eat lunch there between classes and when the day is all done, the kids play board games while the parents clean the church that so graciously allows us to use their facility. I am luck enough to be in charge of cleaning the bathrooms, yippee.

So that is our Mondays for the next 10 weeks.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Myspace blogs: 3/27/2007-9/15/2008

I was blogging on Myspace, but I decided to transfer to here because I don't like going to Myspace with all of the ads and its sometimes inappropriate images. Which means I needed to transfer all of the blogs on to here. So, here are my past blogs:

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Just an update on little ol' me.
Current mood: blah
Category: Blogging

I have never blogged before so I thought, what the hell, give it a try. I should be doing work around the house but, I don't feel like it. Anyway, I just got back from Wausau. I was there for a week because my grandfather had heart surgery so I was helping take care of him and going through all the crap, I mean treasures my grandmother had collected over the years. While I was there Laura (my sis) called and said they are moving to Wausau and need help finding a place. So then Mom and I started house hunting for them. We didn't get very far. Saw a lot of crappy places and then I had to go back home to my responsibilities. Mom called tonight because she has pixes of places she found that were really nice and wanted to send the pixes to Laura but was having trouble with the computer and needed my help. It is really hard to help when you can't see the computer. Blind leading the blind, ha ha. Well, now I am waiting for Mom to call me back and tell me if she got it to work yet.

In other news, I should be interpreting this Sunday for church now that I am back. I plan to attend college this summer to reach my goal of certified Sign Language Interpreter. But first I need to buy a car. Can't really get to college without a car. Hopefully after we get our tax return I will be cruzin' around in a van. Wow, I'm so stylish.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Ginny Owens comes for a visit
Current mood: nervous then joyful
Category: nervous then joyful Music

As most of you know I am the Sign Language Interpreter for my church, Faith Community. Normally by Wednesday I get the itinerary for the up coming services so I know what songs I might need to interpret for, if there are any movie clips or video I will need for familiarize myself with etc... Well, last Monday I get the itinerary e-mailed to me and it says "special guest" but they won't tell me who and and they fail to list any song that will be done; Oh, and my contact person will be out of town that week until Saturday so I can't e-mail or call her to find out what is going on. So I wait. I went to services on Saturday hoping to get an idea of what will be going on since I was really in the dark. As an interpreter that is a very nerve racking because songs are kinda tough with all the alliterations and symbolism goin' on! Anyway, I get there take notes and what not, and then Pastor Jeff announces that Ginny Owens (christian singer) will be at church on Sunday preforming for all 3 services (I interpret for 9:30 AM service only). I am floored, she is a great singer, in fact she has a my space page one of my favorite songs she sings is I Am. However, the interpreter in me is scrambling to familiarize myself with her songs because she will be singing some of her songs for special music but no one know which ones! I send a little prayer upward and off to church I go. Well, the deaf couple I usually interpret for, were not there! As much as I hate to say it, I was relieved. Plus, I got to sit and enjoy Ginny Owens preform!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Funny 911 story
Current mood: embarrassed
Category: amused Life

Okay I have to set up the scene first before I dive in to this story. My daughter Samantha loves to play on our TTY (that is a phone device for the deaf). She love typing on it because of the beeping sounds it makes and loves watching the letter go by as she tries to type words. Now she has been allowed to play on this TTY because it is not connected directly to the phone line (you have to put the receiver on top of it in order for the signal to travel through the phone line). Well our TTY was getting very old and the plug was starting to fray so we got a new one (well not brand new my brother-in-law gave us his that he doesn't use any more) Anyway, after we got it I told the kids that they can't play on this new one, because it is connected directly to the phone line and out going calls can be made. So I plugged in it and after my little speech I forgot about it.

Last week, I got a call from a 911 operator who said she was returning a call they received from my house. I told her that no one could have called because both phones are up high and out of reach of the kids. I was baffled and then I saw the TTY. I turned to the kids and asked if anyone had played with the TTY Sam piped up with a very innocent "I was playing on it." Humbly I had to tell the 911 operator that my daughter must have made the call by mistake on our TTY. She said an officer would be there in a few minutes because it is protocol for all 911 calls to be check out. I told Samantha what she had done and that she needed to apologize when the officer got here; she was mortified! She ran to the bathroom and hide the whole time the officer was here. The officer didn't have time to stick around for me to drag Samantha out of the bathroom. The little stinker was off the hook! I don't think she will ever do that again. Plus I now keep the TTY unplugged.

Ah kids, ya gotta love 'em!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Had a bit of a scare
Current mood: scared
Category: Life

This past Wednesday Sam slipped on the kitchen floor and gashed her chin open. It was pretty bad so I got Kiki and she drove us the emergency room (Since I don't have a car) Thank God she was there! Anyway, after we got there and checked in (around 9 pm) we waited for 45 min before they finally registered us. The lady who did the registration wasn't too bright. She ask Sam how it happened and Sam starts to go in to this story about Zach asked her to get the musical card so she ran to the kitchen, slipped and fell. The woman then says to Sam so your brother was chasing you and you fell? Umm no, that is not what she said idiot. Sam looked at her kind of perplexed and said "no, I was running to the the musical card he ask me to get." But it didn't matter the nurse decided it was Zach's fault and proceeds to tell the other nurse that Sam injury is due to her brother chasing her! Okay whatever just get my kid's chin fix is all I could think. Then that same nurse kinda freaked Sam out by telling her she would need stitches. Sam started to cry and says "my brother said stitches use a black thread and needle." The nurse said, "No, I will show you what they use." So she takes us back and shows Sam black thread and a hook-like needle! Sam looks at the woman and says "my brother was right!" And now she is even more freaked out! Thanks lady. So they send us back out to the waiting room. Matt shows up a few minutes later on his way home from work. Kiki goes home since she had a screaming headache and had to work the next day. Sam is finally called back to an examining room. Matt stays with Zach in the waiting room while I go with Sam. And we wait for the doctor. After a while he shows up. Really nice guy, he was awesome with Sam. Made her feel relaxed and told her she was not going to have stitches but they would glue it together instead. So much less painful and faster healing time! She was a trooper as they put the glue on and promised she wouldn't pick at it. So after a few instructions on care, getting some stickers and suckers we were out of there. Sam waved good-bye to the registration nurse and says "I got stickers and 2 suckers. One is for my brother." The nurse says "After what he did to you?!" I couldn't believe it. Sam was confused and said "yeah" but by then Matt and Zach arrived by our side and Sam was happily telling Zach that she got him stickers and suckers and I was busy telling Matt about what happened. I was glad that the nurse saw my kids showing concern, love, & generosity toward one another. Hopefully it sunk in that not all siblings hate each other!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Another ER trip
Current mood: worried
Category: then relieved Life

It's almost midnight and I am here in my room with Samantha as we wait for Matt and Zach to come back from the Emergency Room. Here is what happened. Zach likes to read in bed alot. Anyway, he hung a mag flash light between the bars of the top bunk while he read. Well, the flash light fell and bonked him on the head pretty good. I heard the crack of the flash light hitting him on the head and then his screams. I ran in his room to find him bleeding from the head really bad. I mean it was pouring down his head! I put my hand on his head to catch the blood as we rushed to the bathroom. With all the blood mashed with his hair we couldn't see how bad it was so we turned the shower on him. It worked. We were able to see the nickel size wound and sizeable lump now forming on his scalp. Matt and I were concerned that with the amount of bleeding, the size of the lump, and possible damage than we could not see. So, Matt and Zach went off to the hospital and Sam and I are sitting here waiting and praying that everything will be alright. Will update when I find out more.


Okay, it's a little after 1 am. Zach and my husband just got back from the hospital. Zach got 3 staples in his head! I got sick looking at it. Anyway, Matt says Zach did great at the hospital and was a real trooper. I am just so relieved that he is otherwise ok. So, I am off to bed for some much needed sleep.

Praise God!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Mary Beth in Kenya & Luke in iraq. dangerous situations update
Current mood: distressed
Category: News and Politics

praying for Mary Beth aka Mabe, in Kenya.

She is one of the many deaf volunteers that are working for the Peace Corp to help educated deaf children and teachers in that region. However, the situation has now become very dangerous. There is political unrest due to the recent elections. There has been major fighting after a political leader was murdered. Hundreds have been killed and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon. For her safty I can't even blog about some of the details regarding her situation. When I am able, I will update about what is going on with her.

*UPDATE 2/7/2008*

Peace Corp has offically announced they are pulling out of Kenya. Mabe is expected to come home (to the U.S.) on Saturday. However, in order to evacuate she will have to travel through very dangerous areas. Please pray she gets back to the United States safely.

Now on to Luke in Iraq.

The Baierl Grape-Vine has informed us via Kiki that, Luke (Matt's brother) who is serving our country in Iraq, is in danger too. Not just because of the war but because they found IED's on his base. IED's are basically bombs disguised as well anything. It could be a cell phone or even a dead camel. So we are adding him to our prayers too. My stomach is in a knot because of these two. I just want them to come home, but I know they are serving a higher purpose and are sacrificing more than I will ever know. I am swelling with pride for the both of them.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ender’s Game - our home made trailer
Current mood: pleased
Category: proud Movies, TV, Celebrities

Okay so I have to brag! My husband and son finished reading Ender's Game a few months ago. Matt read it to Zach so he could censoring some of the age-inappropriate content. Well, they both love the book so much (so do I) they decided to make a movie trailer just for fun. Zach fits the age and charater of Ender so perfectly! So here it is; hope you like it!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

What the heck did I do to myself?!
Current mood: miserable
Category: Blogging

Okay so I am totally laid up in bed as I am writing this because I injuried my neck. "Gee Brenda, how did that happen?" you may be asking. Well I wish I knew so I would never do it again! I have been suffering like this for 4 days; I can bearly move. The pain get so bad sometimes my eyes start to water. Zach has been doing some of the dishes, helping with lunch, and running up and down the stairs to warm up my neck pillow thing in the microwave- bless his heart. Sam has been cleaning up for me (alittle, I mean really, she is only 6) but her prayers for me to heal are so heart warming. I have such great kids! I just wish I could be healed and done with this so I can be the mom they need. Ugh this sucks!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Update on stuff that’s happened
Current mood: sleepy
Category: Life

My mother-in-law just called me wondering what happened to my neck. Oops I forgot to update about that. So here is the update people so pay attention!
My neck has healed slowly over time. They are pretty sure this is from an old neck injury I received when I was in a car accident in my teens. The doc says these kind of injuries can hide for years and then rear their ugly heads when we get older. Getting old sucks!
Speaking of car accidents: Matt was just in one. Luckily he is okay and no one else was involved. He slide into a curb hard during our last horrible snow storm which caused the wheel to be bent inward. So after much back and forth with the insurance company and body shop it has been decided that that car will be scraped. We received a very measly check from the insurance company which is in no way enough to buy another car. So far we have bought a van which were where planning to do anyway, and after we get our tax returns we will be on the hunt for a car for Matt to tot back and forth to work.
So that is the basic update on us. We are otherwise doing well.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Twins! and yet another ER trip
Category: Blogging

Whoa woo my sister is having twins! I am so excited! I am concerned though, she is having some issues with the pregnancy that has us all on alert. So, please keep her in your prayers that the pregnancy will go smoothly and she will not have any more problems.

Okay next subject. Umm, I went to the ER again (yeah I know) this time for me. I was playing with my dog and she clipped me trying to race to the back door. I went flying, fell to the ground and at the same time hitting my head on Kiki's bumper. Matt helped me up and I was disoriented, had blurry and double vision that only lasted a moment. I wasn't going to go in but, I just started a new medication for my migraines (to prevent me from getting them.) and I wasn't sure if the muscle relaxers for my neck/body (got those meds from the last neck injury read past blog for more) would interact with my new meds or not. So to be safe I called the nurses line to ask. They asked me what happened. I stupidly told them the truth. The lady refused to give me an answer because she insisted that I go to the ER. Ugh, felt fine just a little sore and I stopped mistaking my socks for panties like and hour before I called. Anyway, we decided to go in. Kiki volunteered to watch the kids so we left them with her. We get there at around 7:30 pm and it was kinda busy. I didn't get out of there till 12:30 am! Yeah, you heard me 12 freakin' 30! I didn't get to bed till 1 am. I was exausted. I did get a CAT scan and 3 x-rays which told them what I knew all along; that I was fine. Oh and no the meds wouldn't be a problem together. I have to say when I reflect on it; I blame one source: Frost, stupid hyper dog!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Caution some migraine meds can make you fat!
Current mood: enlightened

HI all interested in what I got to say,

Okay I have been dealing with migraines since the 8th grade...yay puberty >:(. But I have only been medically treated for about 2 years. Now about the same 2 years ago I lost 30 lbs. I was so proud of myself and feeling good physically except for the occasional brain damaging migraines. So my neurologist prescribed me meds for the migraines and hey they work except for they gave me dry mouth and made me really drowsy like all the time. He did warn me about these side affects. However he left out the you could gain weight part. If I would have known that I would have said NO. For goodness sakes, I didn't work my ass off to loss 30 lbs just to have it gained back. I mean I was watching the weight come back on as I am eating salads and working out! Now that was supper depressing and frustrating. I go for my physical and talked to my doctor about it. I show her the prescription the neurologist gave me and she said: "oh yeah, I would be surprised if you didn't gain weight on these meds!" WHAT!!! To be honest I was a little relieved that it wasn't my fault I was fat...for once. So I schedule a neurologist appointment told him to find something that doesn't make me gain weight. Badda Bing... I have new meds! I don't get dry mouth anymore and I am not as tired. I do have some dizziness since I am still getting used to it but I lost 4 lbs so far! The one glitch is I have to remember to take it 3 times a day. Hey, I have brain damage so I forget sometimes. Well, we'll see how it goes.

PS: Most migraines do NOT cause brain damage. I just have a rare form. But I am not complaining; it's better than MS which they originally thought I had.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Homeschooling is easier than tying your shoes!
Current mood: thoughtful
Category: School, College, Greek

At least that is what my son thinks. We were listening to the radio and he heard about California's ruling about parents who want to homeschool need to get a teacher's degree. Zach asked what this meant. I told him that parents would have to go back to college and study to become a teacher if they wanted to homeschool. He looked all flabbergasted and said, "What.. ah... teaching is easier than tying your shoes! Why would you have to go to college for that?!" I laughed sooo hard! I love how our children can enlighten us with their simplistic view on life.

Yes, I agree with him that homeschooling parents have been teaching their children for years and proving to the world that it works without a teaching degree. I guess I make it look easy. Our children are not anti-social or have lower test scores. Usually it's quite the opposite. Heck, President's Lincoln's mom is a pretty good example! There are always bad apples out there, but the same goes for public, private or charter schools. However, I did have to disagree with him on the easy part. Some days we will have what I call a "cage match" (stole that one from The Office). On those days I have to let him out of the "cage" and run around the outside of the house a few times to rearrange his perspective. For some reason it works...well, most of the time anyway.

PS: I don't hate public school or think it is the worst thing for our children. There are many many dedicated wonderful teachers out there. We have a pretty good school system where I live too. I do think the public school system needs a major overhaul before it can be categorized as great but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Homeschooling is just what works for us right now.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bats Bats everywhere
Current mood: drained
Category: Parties and Nightlife

I should have written this a few days ago but, I have a life. Anyway, Wednesday Aug 5th was Matt's birthday. Kiki watched Sam as Matt and I went to see the Newest Batman movie The Dark Knight - Awesome movie. The only thing I wish was that the sound was better. There were many times I missed what was said because the music or other loud sounds muffled the conversations. Oh well, when we buy the movies I can watch it with the subtitles on.
Then we came home, picked up Sam who was super excited because Aunt Kiki painted her toe nails pink. We were trying to get Sam ready for bed when we get a knock at our back door. I discover Sharon our next door neighbor with a towel around her shoulders and frantic because there is a bat in her upstairs neighbor's appt. Apparently, the towel was to protect Sharon as she and the neighbor lady battled this bat. Sharon was thrilled that Matt was home because most weekday nights he is not since he usually has to work. So Matt get the fishing net and his baseball cape then heads over to the next door upstairs appt. The bat is hanging on the wall and Matt stands there with a fishing net poised to strikes after gathering his nerves (he's never done this before). Matt put the net over the bat. Its in! NO WAIT, it got out! The net holes are too big, argh! The thing flies around house causing all to scream and run, except Matt of course.
Matt uses the net to at least knock the bat to the floor. It then crawls under the couch. I get ready with a container and a cover. Matt pushes the couch aside, uses the net to temporarily prevent it from fly off while I put the container over the top of it then slide the cover underneath. The bat is trapped and screeching like crazy! Matt takes it outside and sets it free. Matt's said he was glad for the experience. Humm... Things to do before I die... let's see... nope, 'catch a bat' isn't on my list!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Testing Times
Current mood: determined
Category: Life

Hello my friends and random people who are snooping.

Well life has kind of sucked recently. Our kids bed room ceiling is on the verge of collapse and then Matt's car broke down. So I am down to no car again, (story of my life) at least for today. The money I have been trying to save for the kids bedroom is going towards the car and the kids are camping out in the living room now. I seem to be in a perpetual state of worry. I try not to be and have been spending a lot of time in pray, laying my yoke at His feet. I know we will get through this; it is just difficult in the dark valley sometimes. God never promised an easy life, but he has promised to never leave me so I am holding on to that. He has decided to brighten my day alittle. Someone called me today and told me they owe Matt $150 and for him to come pick it up tomorrow. God is good and his timing is always perfect.

Orson Scott Card - On Obama
Current mood: argumentative
Category: News and Politics

Orson Scott Card - Sept 7, 2008

Barack Obama, Spinmeister

So on Wednesday, the local Democratic Party newspaper, the Greensboro News & Record, put on its front page, above the fold, an "analysis" piece whose message was that there was less to President Bush's announced troop withdrawals than met the eye.

There was no way that it was news; its purpose was to try to paint the success of the surge, and the resulting ability to shorten tours of duty in Iraq and move more troops to Afghanistan, as a failure, or at least to throw a little mud on the success.

The word "analysis" was supposed to take the curse off a front-page editorial. But "analysis" in relatively small type does not convey to most readers what the piece really was: pure opinion.

It would be different if they ever ran such an "analysis" that was not anti-Bush.

But let's face it. It has been a terrible week for Democrats. Obama's rock-star tour of Europe and his choice of one of the biggest establishment creeps in the Senate as his running mate did nothing to boost his numbers -- no significant convention bounce for him.

Meanwhile, McCain's running mate choice gave him a huge boost, as did the obvious success of the surge, highlighted by President Bush's announcement of troop stand-downs and shifts.

The pro-Democratic media in our country -- all of it except Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and talk radio (which is why the Democrats want to shut down conservative talk radio but leave all the liberal media alone) -- has been reduced to comparing Palin's inexperience with Obama's.

"Obama is less inexperienced than Palin," their message is; editorials in Newsweek called Palin "unqualified" as if that were a fact.

They seem not to realize that when they have to compare their presidential candidate with the opposing vice-presidential candidate, they have already lost.

But the news media's desperation doesn't really compare to Obama's. His response to President Bush's announcement was disingenuous, to say the least.

He cannot admit that the troop surge worked. Why? Because that surge was John McCain's idea, not even President Bush's. Bush gets full points for instituting it and supporting Petraeus and the troops in making it work. But McCain was the maverick -- the guy who called, not for defeat, but for change that would lead to victory.

Bush made the change McCain asked for, and the victory came.

But Obama's response was to say, in effect, "Bush is finally doing what I called for a year ago."

No sir, Mr. Obama. What you called for a year ago was to begin a brigade-a-month withdrawal from Iraq right then. With no surge. When Al Qaeda dominated in several regions and Shi'ite warlords in others. When many tribal leaders were still ambivalent or supportive of the enemy.

If we had done what Mr. Obama called for, when he called for it, our troop withdrawals would have been seen -- correctly -- as defeat. Al Qaeda would have trumpeted their victory; their funding would have increased, as would the number of volunteers coming to fight with them to kill more Americans and butcher their way to rule in Iraq.

Osama bin Laden would have been completely vindicated in his claim that if you kill a few Americans, they give up and go away. He would be, thanks to Obama's plan, well on the way to achieving his goal of being Caliph, if not Mahdi, of the Islamic world.

Instead, President Bush -- correctly -- did the opposite of Obama's declare-defeat-and-go-home plan. He followed McCain's strategy of strength. Neighborhoods were cleared of Al Qaeda terrorists and then were held, giving the people there the security they craved.

This show of real strength and determination was something the tribal leaders understood -- they got off the fence and took action against the terrorists who had been ruining the lives of the people wherever they had control. Corrupt and inept as it is (you know, like probable bribe-takers Ted Stevens and Hillary Clinton), the democratically chosen Iraqi government was given real strength. The Iraqi military was also vastly heartened -- the enemy was on the run.

After all these changes, after the casualty rate dropped radically, after the Iraqi military was able to take over more of the security duties in their own country, then President Bush was able to bring back some of the surge forces and shorten the tours of duty in Iraq.

Is Obama really so stupid that he believes that Bush is merely doing what Obama called for a year ago?

Of course he's not stupid. He's lying. He's pretending that there's no difference between his position then and Bush's (and McCain's) achievement now. He thinks that the American people are so dumb that they will take his obviously-false claims at face value.

Obama's plan allowed no possibility of American victory. Now that we're achieving that victory because his plan was ignored, he wants to claim credit for thinking it up? For being prescient? Puh-lease. That's way beyond spin, folks.

If the situation were reversed, if it was the Republican candidate falsely claiming that the present troop withdrawals were what he called for a year ago, that "analysis" essay on the front page of the News & Record would have been a sharp exposure of the dishonesty of such a claim.

But since the only daily paper in Greensboro is a partisan rag, they can get away with attacking the President for not telling the whole story (though in fact the President told the whole story), while ignoring the offensive falsehood of the opposing party's candidate's claim.

Meanwhile, the rest of the mainstream media are coming out with a similar double-standard. Sarah Palin is called "unqualified" when she has far more executive experience than Obama -- more, in fact, than McCain.

Not foreign policy experience. Not Washington political mill experience. But she has actually governed something.

Obama ludicrously claimed that running his campaign for the past year is somehow comparable to governing a state. What a laugh! In the campaign, everybody serves at the candidate's pleasure. In the executive branch, most of the employees are under civil service regulations and can't be fired.

If Obama doesn't understand the difference, he really is unqualified to be President, because he clearly doesn't have a clue.

It's like when Dan Marriott was running for Congress in Utah. He was asked by a reporter what committees he wants to serve on in Congress, and he answered famously that he didn't care, because committees never did any real work. Thus making it plain that he hadn't even studied the legislative branch of the U.S. government, since all the work of Congress is done in committees.

If Obama really thinks that running a campaign, where you can fire anybody, and only people who totally believe in your cause even apply for a job, is like governing a state, where there is an entrenched bureaucracy and an old-boy network determined to keep you from accomplishing anything -- boy, is he in for a few surprises if he actually wins this thing.

Alaska isn't a big state, but its politicians were at least as corrupt as North Carolina's state government, where a Republican was openly finagled into betraying his party to keep the Democrats in control of the House. Sarah Palin came into office and even though the corruption was in her own party, she took it on and made a good start at rooting it out.

Where and when has Obama taken anybody on in his own party? Where is his vote that flew in the face of his party's discipline, like many of McCain's? Obama liked to claim that McCain voted with President Bush ninety percent of the time. But that means McCain voted against a President from his own party ten percent of the time.

Meanwhile, Obama has voted with the extreme left of his party, right in line with the party leadership, one hundred percent of the time.

That ten percent of McCain's votes that went against his party is actually a remarkable record of independence. One that Obama has never even attempted.

Yet the media don't hold Obama's feet to the fire. He makes these outrageously false or misleading claims, and only the openly partisan conservative media -- talk radio, blogs, and the Rhino Times -- even seem to notice the self-serving falsity of the claims.

Welcome to American politics.

An editorial in the News & Record mocked McCain for running against the establishment when the Republicans have "run Washington" for most of the past seven years.

What a laugh! The overwhelming majority of the entrenched can't-be-fired establishment in Washington is of the Left. Almost all of the media are of the Left. When Republicans hold high office in Washington, they're treated like a thin layer of invaders who will soon be driven out.

Then comes the report from an "independent" commission condemning Bush for not doing enough to block the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists.

The report essentially says that all these years without a foreign terrorist incident in the U.S. were in spite of the Bush administration's incompetence. The report could not have been more biased and partisan. But the writer of the story in the News & Record used the words "independent report" without quotation marks, asserting it as a fact that the report was not partisan, when in fact it obviously was.

The fact is that the single most effective tool the government has had in fighting foreign terrorism is precisely the tapping-without-warrant of phone calls between noncitizens that the Democrats -- and the leftist media -- have so savagely and absurdly attacked, as if Americans should be willing to die to protect the nonexistent constitutional rights of noncitizens.

And here's another huge reason why terrorism has not returned to our shores during these years since 9/11: The war in Iraq.

If we had invaded only Afghanistan, then Al Qaeda could claim to be martyrs, who bravely attacked the Great Satan and now were paying the penalty, along with the brave Taliban who supported them.

But when we invaded terrorist sponsoring, WMD-using Iraq -- an Arab country and a major player in the Middle East -- Al Qaeda's situation changed completely.

Here was America, goaded into action by Al Qaeda, attacking and toppling a vicious dictator in the heart of the Arab world.

As I wrote at the time, this was exactly the way to make Al Qaeda hated by Muslims in the Middle East. "Look what you brought down on us by attacking America!"

Admittedly, I think Iraq was not the target we should have struck. (Terrorist-haven Iranian-puppet Syria was the right target, and Hamas and Hezbollah would not be thriving now if we had done so; and since Saddam Hussein would certainly have entered such a war on Syria's side, we would have ended up toppling him anyway, and without Syria's vicious terrorist government as a conduit for Iranian money, arms, and malevolence, the occupation of both countries would have been far less complicated.)

But it almost didn't matter which major terrorist sponsor we took on. Whoever it was, Al Qaeda had no choice but to commit itself to attacking American troops in order to drive us out.

Guerrillas and terrorists thrive on not attacking the enemy's forces head on. It's simply too dangerous. Yet Al Qaeda had no choice but to do it -- along with filmed beheadings of Americans and other kidnaped foreigners -- because their prophet, Osama bin Laden, had told them that if you killed Americans gruesomely and abused their bodies, as happened in Somalia, the Americans would give up and go away.

But that only worked under a pusillanimous Democratic president. It did not work with Bush -- or with McCain -- who understood that strength and courage and determination were the only way to stop terrorists.

It wasn't America in a quagmire in Iraq. It was Al Qaeda.

And the more the Iraqi people saw of Al Qaeda, the more they hated the terrorists. They came to see them for the fanatical murderous fascists that they are. Al Qaeda taught the Iraqi people to be grateful for Americans. They saw the difference between civilized soldiers and barbarians.

Obama wanted to surrender to those barbarians and bring our troops home. But then, flush with victory, do you think Al Qaeda would have left us alone? They attacked Americans on our own soil when we were not attacking them anywhere! When they thought they had us on the run, do you think they would have magnanimously declared peace? Or would they instead have flooded the world with more terrorism, convinced that their method had worked?

Of course, now that they have essentially lost in Iraq, how can they save face? Only by mounting new attacks against Western targets -- preferably on American soil.

Previously, they went for the big showy attack. But that is far harder to bring off today. They may be reduced to multiple attacks by lone suicide bombers or gunmen in fast food restaurants, shopping malls, or schools. That is precisely the kind of attack that truly can't be prevented. America is a nation of soft targets.

So we may very well see new terrorist attacks here on our soil before the election.

At the same time, Al Qaeda may have lost so much credibility worldwide because of the failure of Osama's predictions about American behavior that there are too few volunteers to bring off suicide attacks here.

I don't think so, though. Remember that the South's most devastating terror attack -- the assassination of Abraham Lincoln -- took place after the South was defeated.

We are, at this moment, in our position of maximum vulnerability.

And if there is an attack on American soil before the election, what will Barack Obama say? If his current statements are any indication, then after a few pieties about how deplorable it all is and how our enemies are to be condemned, he will proceed to blame President Bush for (incredibly enough) not doing enough to prevent such attacks -- even though Obama's own party has been savage in attacking President Bush for doing too much!

Obama will claim that these new terrorist attacks are proof of the failure of Bush's policies, even though Obama has never offered even a hint of what he would do to protect American soil that Bush is not already doing.

Obama's great plan to deal with terrorists is to meet with them without preconditions -- or at least that was his plan until he and his advisers saw that it sounded to most Americans as idiotic as it was, at which point Obama started claiming that he never said any such thing, even though we all saw him say it.

Obama is the typical cynical politician, putting negative spin on everything his opponent does and denying his own past statements and actions. If Obama were a Republican, he would quickly learn that any such hypocrisy would be nailed by the media and harped on endlessly.

But because the mainstream media are relentlessly partisan on Obama's behalf, he is always surprised and shocked when his deceptions and stupidities are exposed. How dare those nasty conservative talk radio hosts and bloggers interfere with his coronation! Can't they see that Obama is the one anointed by the leftist media establishment?

Here's the problem, Mr. Obama. Back when you were still saying nothing, you looked very promising to people like me, who thought of you as what you claimed to be -- a great conciliator.

But since Hillary took the gloves off and bloodied you at the end of the primary season, you have been forced to take firm positions on issues and to defend yourself against criticism -- you have been forced to let us see who you are.

And who are you?

When you are caught saying something stupid or wrong, you simply deny saying it and accuse those who quote you of taking your words out of context or misrepresenting you. You claim you "always" held the positions you recently switched to.

You claim to be a conciliator, bringing people together, even though you have the most uncompromisingly radical voting record in the Senate and you have openly sneered at people who don't support your radical leftist program.

And when you are flat wrong, as you were on Iraq and the surge, and your opponent was right, you don't have the grace to say, "Congratulations, President Bush and Senator McCain on this great achievement that has saved American lives and brought us victory."

Instead you are churlish and deceptive, claiming that they followed your program only "too late," which is the opposite of the truth -- and you know it.

If we wanted to elect a man who yearns for America's defeat and can never admit to making a mistake, we could have elected John Kerry four years ago.

A lot of us really wanted to elect you as America's first African-American president.

But there are things more important to our future than mere tokenism. You should only be our President if you are the best person for the job, and you clearly are not.

We don't need a president who hasn't the courage to admit that his previous policy failed and openly change his mind -- the way President Bush did when he determined to change strategy and execute the surge.

We saw your true colors when you sneered at white middle-class voters who cling to guns and religion because they're bitter, as if an entire class of "those people" can be analyzed and dismissed in a sentence.

McCain was not my choice for President at the beginning of the campaign a couple of years ago, Mr. Obama. You were. I rooted for you. I voted for you as recently as the North Carolina primary.

Obviously, I have changed my mind. Why?

I learned a little more about McCain. I learned a lot more about you.
