Homeschooling 2 kids has certainly been an interesting study in human behavior and development. Zach has always been a child who learns best when he gets to teach. So he will read his history/science/ math etc.. and then teach it to me, Matt, Sam or anyone else who will listen. Sadly. it took me years to figure out this learning style. Anyway, in order to do this Zach needs to be alone then, when he is done he can be around people.
Zach also loves to argue. Doesn't matter what facts are give to him, he will stick to his original belief no matter how asinine it is. This can be very trying. I often have to step back, and either we do a search on the internet or a trip to the library to point out the truth. He hates to admit that he is or was wrong. I have to resist the urge to point out that he was wrong and that this whole messy argument, research and trip to the library could have been avoided if he would have just listened to me. Yeah, I sometimes can't resist and give the speech anyway. But, I have to keep in mind that he won't just blindly accept things. He questions, studies and forces others give proof. He would make a great lawyer one day. Like Thomas Jefferson once said, "Question with boldness..." That is certainly Zach's creed.
Samantha is a whole new ball of wax. She hates to be alone. She even labels herself as a "social butterfly" (Yes, she knows what it means). She has to be around a warm body in order to learn. So that also can include the dog. And if she is not cuddling, she has to be moving, humming, or fidgeting. I'm sure she would have a problem in public school, because she hates to sit. We attend a homeschool co-op called Quest. There, parents can teach one subject in a class room setting. For instance, Sam took a Spanish class taught by a long-time homeschooling mom. She got Sam. I mean, she understood how Sam ticks. She allowed Sam to stand next to her and read over her shoulder as she taught the class. Sam was able to fidget to her hearts content and she flourished in the class. The teacher told me that Sam picked up the language faster than most of the students.
Sam is also very musical. See previous blog about Zach's music lesson and you will see what I mean. She loves to sing. She will even make up songs about what ever she happens to be doing at the time. Drives Zach mad sometimes. So, I have one kid that needs silence and another who can't stop making noise. Gotta love God's sense of humor!
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