The kids and I went to Farm and Fleet to buy a much needed weed-whacker. After locating it, we went to look for swing sets. I just went straight down the isle without really looking what was ahead of me. I was a little annoyed with all the cords laying around for me to maneuver my cart around, so I wasn't really looking as I loudly drove my cart into the production of a Farm and Fleet commercial. Oh, the massive embarrassment followed by apologies. So, after slinking out of there, we finally found the swing sets that were actually sold-out. Well we were already there, so we stuck around as they filmed the commercial. Zach was enthralled with the whole process and super excited when the main actor waved at him. Sam on the other hand, just played with the stuff animals on a nearby stand. I practically had to drag Zach out of there. He started plotting on how he could stumble into the commercial. Sorry buddy!
I did eventually find a swing set at Toys R Us which was last years model and on clearance. It took 3 days to put up. And technically it's not finished because we still need to put on the other 3 anchors. Oh, and if I every find the guy who put the directions together, I might strangle him.
But, after all the pain, sweat, and sudden out burst of screaming. The kids finally got to enjoy it a little with their neighbor friend, Lily.
One more little side note, there is suppose to be a teeter-tooter connected to the swing set, but it is currently on the rafters in the shed. Why? Because the lovely directions don't tell you which legs go where so we have the leg where the teeter-tooter attaches in the front. Turns out it has to be in the back or you can't connect it. So, in order to put the teeter-tooter on, we have to take off the 2 legs on the side and switch them. Matt, said that's not going to happen anytime soon (if at all).
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