Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama Nation - My predictions

Obama was just re-elected.  Here are my predictions for the next 4 years.
  • 3 more liberal judges appointed to the supreme court.
  • Jobs leave or fail under the weight of taxes and regulations.  
    • massive lay offs.
  • Unemployment (the real unemployment) over 20%
  • Inflation will make the dollar nearly worthless.
  • Obamacare
    • Insurance skyrockets
    • System gets over burdened.
    • Doctors quitting.
    • People not getting adequate care.
    • Abortion and birth-control being paid for by tax payers - oh wait, that's already happening.
    • Medical research/advancements will slow or all out stop.
  • Obama gets to keep his promise to the Russians now that he has "more flexibility."
  • 2nd Amendment gets nixed or extremely restricted.
  • The main stream media will still worship, adore, and cover for him.
  • Freedom of speech being limited.
    • More American in-prison or threatened for exercising their freedom of speech.
  • Freedom of Religion restricted...only for Christians.
    • Christian persecution and imprisonment.
  • Lots more wasteful spending. I'd say about a trillion a year.
  • Food and gas prices, "Will necessarily have to rise."
    • I predict gas will at one point reach $6.
    • Food cost will double possibly triple.
  • Food shortage. - I suspect this will happen around the 3rd year.
  • Illegal's voting - Oh wait, that's already happening too.
  • Over 50% of the population on some form of government assistance. - I predict this by the end of his first year.
  • Stock market crash - I think that will happen soon.  It won't happen all at once though.
  • Public moral in the toilet, but if asked, most who voted for Obama will still support him.
  • Class and racial divide deepens.
  • Our defense budget will get slashed.
  •  We get attacked again on American soil.
  • Iran will war with Israel.  US will not help Israel.
  • Energy shortage.
  • Lots of Republicans saying "I told you so."
I'm sure I have a lot more I could add, but I'm tired.

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