Monday, November 19, 2012

Last day drinking TSO.

Today was my last day drinking my beloved whip worms.  I feel they gave me back my mobility, strength and clarity.  But the trial is coming to an end.  The only thing left now is a few check ups on how I'm doing without TSO.  Today's appointment was almost an all day event.  The appointment itself was about 5 hours but when you add in driving time it adds up to being a 7 hour day away from home.  The research crew were awesome as always.  Even when I got all woozy getting my blood drawn during labs.  Note to all you out there who have issues getting your blood drawn - WATER! Make sure you are hydrated.  I normally am fine but I almost passed out twice this time.  Granted they did want to take a lot of blood this time and because I was struggling not to pass out, they didn't get all the blood they needed.  I hope the next blood draw goes better.  The MRI on the other hand went great, for the most part.  Got a great nap til they woke me for the contrast.  I woke up to a cramp in my arm that had the IV.  No biggie. I was more embarrassed that they had to come in and check on me to see what was wrong.  At least this time I didn't have to pee half way through the MRI.  I hate that!

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