Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sam's 9th Birthday

Sam had a very sickly birthday this year.  She started her illness(fever, sore throat and sinus infection) on Sunday January 9, right after Mary Beth arrived for her visit, and after several trips to the doctor's office and lots of sleep, her fever finally broke January 15.  So she didn't get to celebrate her birthday like she would have wanted.  But she did get her favorite breakfast, crepes, and her gifts from her family.  From Zach she got the pillow pet pictured above.  She named it Mutt.  I bought her the fuzzy pink pants in the picture above.  And from the doctors she got a myriad of meds.  Mary Beth made her a blanket but it hasn't arrived yet.  When it does I will add a picture to this post.  I promised her she could have her bff Lily for a sleep over for her birthday.  Once her stuffy nose is gone she will finally get to do that.  I feel so bad that she didn't get much of a birthday party.  I think this year we will have to throw her a party in the summer to make up for it.

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