Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Neck injury

So, yesterday I was in immense pain. I injured my neck while I was working out. I didn't get to work out that long. In fact, I barely started when I developed a throbbing pain in neck that traveled up the right side of my head. I was doing one of my fav. total body work outs that I got off of Hulu:

It progressively got worse through out the day, until I couldn't take it anymore and popped some Naproxen. They be good meds :). Took it easy for the rest of the day and now I'm doing much better.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

An appropriate response?

So what do you do when someone hurts you or someone you love? Most times peoples responses are knee-jerk, and not in a good way. Someone I know recently retaliated in a way that shocked me to my core. They wrote the offender a note wishing them unhappiness and pain like they inflicted! I was flabbergasted! I mean, I understand their anger, my loved one was also hurt by this person. However, my response was sadness for them. Knowing that this person didn't have the love of Christ in their life and is a big factor in why they sin in the first place. I'm blessed that the Holy Spirit compelled me to pray for them. Don't get me wrong, I am still angry at what she did. And, when I was receiving the news of her numerous sins, my reactions wasn't completely without some choice words.
Matt is a study in human behavior. Not professionally but more recreational. Comes in handy at work too. Anyway, he has a habit of teaching me little tidbits about how people work. Plus, reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People" was beneficial! One thing is clear though, people are defensive when attacked and the opportunity for civility goes out the window! The same person who said "sorry," is now justifying their past wrongs because of being on the defensive. How does that help anyone?! People seem to think that if they berate a person that this will convince them to change their ways. When the total opposite is what normally happens.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Random babbling about what's been going on.

Yesterday we went to the Museum of Science and Industry. We had a blast. Here's a pix of the kids and I in front of the model of downtown Chicago. The lady said it took them 3-1/2 years to make it.

The rest of the pictures can be seen on

Yesterday was the last day that admissions was free. Of course being the last day meant that it was packed. Parking was flippin' $16 though! Free my a__!
Anyway, it was worth it. We had a great time. I'm glad I went there with older kids that could hand all the walking and truly get something out of the experience. Most of the science stuff would go over the heads of any child under the age of 7 or 8.

Matt got me a GPS this past Christmas and it totally paid for itself on this trip! Oh, thank you God that I live in the digital age! Traffic was a bit slow leaving Chicago. What should have been a 2 hour drive home took 4 hours. Of course the 3 pit stops on the way home influenced travel time too. I was exhausted! I went to bed early knowing I would have to interpret the next day.

Interpreting Note:
I had a weird interpreting day today. I was dizzy for some unknown reason. I've gone down the list of possible explanations and nothing fits as to the reason. Being dizzy makes it hard to concentrate, which meant I miss things or misunderstood what's being said. Frustrating. Normally, if I am dizzy it's because of my migraine meds being messed up. But I've been on the same dose for a while now and my body is use to it ):^?
The dizziness has since subsided and I hope it stays away. Matt has been having dizzy spells too but we are pretty sure his has to do with his diet. Could be not enough iron or low blood sugar. He's planning on see the doc about it.