Since being diagnosed I've gained a few pounds. It's uncomfortable and I'm done with it. At least I want to be done with it. I've started South Beach again but unlike last time it's taking longer to work. Add to the fact that exercise this time around has to be light. No inhaler allowed. Crunch Yoga it is. It's a combo of yoga and pilates. It makes me sweat but not breath too hard. Oh, but things have gotten even more interesting after my latest ER run when all my extremities went limp. Now, I have the tingles shooting down my arms every time I stretch them forward. The stretching feels good when I'm all done with the routine, but during it is very off putting. I'm going to work through it for now. Unless my doctor tells me to stop.
The other issue that is preventing me from exercising lately is Samantha has been sleeping in the living room. The kids share the same room but sleeping in the same room has not been going well, especially if Samantha is sick. Which right now she is starting to get over. She snores and it's driving Zach crazy. So she sleeps in the living room. Where is the only place I can exercise? THE LIVING ROOM! I have no place to escape to. I can't afford a gym membership either. Rock. Hard place. Me.
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