I have a crappy memory! So to combat this I'm writing down my memories, random thoughts, and interesting stuff I wish to remember; before my brain decides to erase them. It really sucks sometimes having a memory like an Alzheimer's patient. Games like Trivial Pursuit are totally out of the question! On the other hand, (yes, I have actually found a silver lining) I easily forget why I was mad at someone or about something so, I rarely hold grudges. It has to be pretty serious for me to have animosity towards a person. I am really forgiving of others memory lapses since odds are I will forget something they wish I hadn't. I pretty much live off my cell phone's calendar. My motto is "if it isn't on the calendar, it doesn't exist!"
Now the downside to a bad memory, ha! Do I really need to write down that list! I pretty much always had a bad memory. My mom would say "you'd loose your head if it wasn't attached!" Which is totally true. Although her memory has really gone down hill in the past few years. So now, I like to mock her right back. Tongue and check of course.
I always feel so bad when I don't remember people's names. I mean most people can forgive forgetting once or perhaps twice but I have probably set the world forgetting record. My kids have been friends with this one child, Cassie, for over 2 years now and I still either say the wrong name or forget completely. Oh and Sandi, (a woman at my church) I actually got irritated with her because she never wears a name tag (That is something our church asks us to do.). Now if only I could remember her friend's name.
I remember people's names better if they have a "name sign". That's like a little clue for me, he he. Sometimes, I am surprise I can remember sign language at all. I wonder why that is? Must be a different part of the brain.
Migraines suck! What do they have to do with this blog? Well, for me they are not only painful, but they also do a little damage if they are bad enough. I can actually say I have brain damage (My sister-in-law gets a kick out of that. Says it explains a lot.). So, when I have a massive migraine I sometimes have speech problems. Strangely, sometimes I can sign my thoughts when I can't verbalize them. That's fine around family; not so helpful around the general public. My speech does slowly recover, but it is unnerving when it happens to say the least. So, I am on meds and am suppose to meet with the headache specialist doc soon. Now, if I could only remember to fill out the paperwork and send it in so they can schedule an appointment.
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