Friday, July 14, 2017

My first MRA

So, I didn't mention this in the last post because I didn't want to freak people out until I had all the facts.
My doctors were concerned that I had suffered from a TIA stroke when I has my last episode. They didn't want me to fly until I got cleared and ordered a MRA to check my carotid artery. 

This was kind of a problem because I'm flying to CA tomorrow! So thankful I was able to find a place that was able to get me a MRA for today. They even got me a CD with all the images on it to take with me.
My doctors rushed the analysis and cleared me to fly. Phew!

So my last post title is correct, it was not a stroke. Just a freak MS thing.

I don't care what you say, this picture is freakin' cool! It so neat to see how my veins run through my body - well, brain, neck, and chest. I have lots more images but, just like someone's vacation photos, I'll spare you the boring ones.

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