Sunday, April 19, 2015

Milwaukee Public Museum

We drove Karen to the Milwaukee airport yesterday for her trip to CA.  Lucky brat ;).  Since we have never been to the Public Museum in Milwaukee we decided to check it out.  Totally worth it!  We had so much fun that I almost forgot to take pictures.  Here are the only two I took.
Kids posing with the mummy, Djed-Hor.

Zach in "The Streets of Old Milwaukee" exhibit.

We also went to the planetarium.  The special effects were neat and all, but my vertigo kicked in to high gear.  By the time it was over I was in the bathroom wishing I would have skipped it.  Plus, it was more like a history lesson than learning about the stars.  Ironically, the planetarium at Wausau West is better.  This experience was more like going to a movie as we zipped around through "time" and learned about how different cultures viewed the night sky.  We spent more time learning about the cultures and "star-gazers"  than the stars.  That was fine and interesting and all but, it wasn't what I was hoping for.  The Wausau West planetarium gets dark, like super dark.  Those of you who went to school there or visited it know what I'm talking about.  You actually get to learn about the night sky.  Granted, the Milwaukee planetarium did have a different showing about the Wisconsin night sky and maybe that would have been more to my liking, but it was playing at a later time so we pick the "Ancient Skies" showing instead.

All in all, I would definitely go again.  There was a lot we missed, but by the time we were done, we were exhausted!

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