Thursday, September 15, 2011

Matt's scary almost accident!

I got these emails this afternoon from Matt:

Somebody tried to cross into my lane.
Which would have been fine if it hadn't been the exact same space I was occupying!
A few seconds of squealing tires and a dizzying 360 degree view of the highway later, I was stopped in the far left lane, perpendicular to the shoulder, while traffic backed up to the right of me.
...Good times.  Good times.

But losing control of the car while it spins around and back and forth across three lanes of interstate is enough to keep one's hands shaking well after it happened.
It's funny.  My life didn't flash before my eyes.  The only thing on my mind was what death would feel like.  Because I thought for sure it was about to happen!  Ha!

Thankfully no one was in either lanes by him!  We thank the Lord for protecting him!  He didn't even get hit by that driver who, by the way, kept on driving.  His car did shut off, but after letting it cool down a bit, it did start again and he even made it on time for work.  So many factors worked in his favor. No other cars next to him, not winter, and everyone behind him stopped and went slowly around him.  I can't praise the Lord enough that he is safe!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

little ears

So what age do kids pick up on Mom and Dad speaking in 'bedroom code'?  Apparently age 12.  At least that is how old Zach is now when we realized he was understanding us.  Oops!  Time to change the subject.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rotting tree gets scalped!

Our one and only tree in the front yard has been sick since the day we moved in.  It has gone down hill more and more each year and threatening to drop large limbs on our cars, roof, and people.  After much back and forth with Allient Energy, they finally came 2 days ago and said they would cut off most of the tree limbs.  Leaving the large trunk behind.
No surprise the kids instantly turned the debris into a playground.  Here is Sam in the 'fort.'
The walkway to the front door was blocked by branches so the kids took turns chopping a path.

Instead of paying for someone to haul the mess away I just advertised "FREE FIRE WOOD!"  Already got some people to take some wood.  We did spend the day yesterday loading my neighbor Debbie's trailer with smaller branches and leaves and hauled it to the city yard waste department.  There is still a lot left to do, but we can't get to it til the large limbs are removed.

Prayer and anointing with Grandpa Mathie

"Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. " - James 5:14.
I was blessed to have my grandfather do this on August 16th.  His prayer and petition for healing brought tears to my eyes.  My children got a rare opportunity to see my grandpa as a man after God's own heart with his tattered old Bible that is written in, highlighted, and book marked in several places.  They prayed with him and watched as he put a dab of oil on my forehead.  We have seen the Lord answer prayers in the past.  Not always the answers we want, but always the right answers.  I have faith his answer will be the perfect one for my life.
Yesterday, as I was working outside picking up stick and debris from our front tree being reduced to a very tall stump.  I noticed the vision in my left eye, that has been giving me so much trouble, was actually clearer than it normally is when I work outside in the heat.  My mind instantly turned to my grandfather praying over me and anointing my head with oil.  God is good all the time!