Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sam and Lily

This past summer has bared witness to the development of a wonderful friendship between Sam and the neighbor girl, Lily. We've live here for 3 years and occasionally saw this little blond girl across the street by Jeanne's house. Jeanne is an older woman that doesn't have any young children at home anymore and her grandchildren live farther away. One day I was visiting Jeanne and this little girl came over and ask if she could use the swing set. I didn't know Jeanne had a swing set so Jeanne invited the kids to join lily on the swing set and that was it; Sam and Lily instantly bonded! Lily is a year younger than Sam and a sweet polite child. We like to say that Lily is Sam's blond twin! They are like sisters. They can have a fight, then forgive and forget so quickly. I sometimes watch the two of them playing and know that one day they will look back on these warm summer days with fondness. Jeanne says she just knows they will be live long friends. I hope she is right.
It's great to watch them say good bye. They are a reminder of how we should cherish one another. They always hug and say they love one another. If you were to witness this for the first time, you would think they weren't going to see each other for months or years. And then the next day, there Lily would be again at our front door.

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