Sunday, August 2, 2009


My friend Monica called and asked to meet us at the fair here in Janesville. If not for her call, I would have totally forgotten about it. We live so close to the grounds that we can walk there. The kids had a blast with their friend Mathew and I got a chance to catch up with Monica. Zach had a little incident. He bit down wrong, knocked a tooth loose and his mouth started bleeding. It was one of his lower k-9s that we thought was an adult tooth. So I had to leave Sam with Monica and take Zach to the dentist. Our fears were relieved when we were told it was a baby tooth and the adult tooth is trying to push it out but a spacer was preventing it. So we set up an appointment with an orthodontist and went back to the fair to join Monica, Mathew and Sam. I'm glad we were able to go back. It would have broken Zach's heart to have missed the fair.
Eventually the Mega Loop caught Sam's eye. So she went to see if she was big enough. I was secretly hoping she wasn't. But no such luck, Sam was just big enough.
I couldn't join her, but she didn't care. She is a roller coaster girl and nothing was going to stand in her way of a thrill! Zach was like, 'no way, am I going on that!' He went in the fun house next door with Mathew. Monica and I watch in amazement and trepidation as the roller coaster went round and round and occasionally hung upside down! When she got off she was shaking. She said it was scary, but fun! That's my girl!
Eventually the afternoon faded and Monica and her kids had to leave. We stayed and continued going on pretty much ever ride except the toddler ones. We ended the day with a nice relaxing ride on the Ferris Wheel.

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