Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Quest Open House performances.

Last night was Quest Open House. Parents and friends gathered at Roxbury Church here in town to see all the things the kids have learned this semester. We had a great time! Matt switched his work schedule to a day shift so he could attend. I can't even express how great that was to have him there. Matt was the camcorder operator which allowed me to attend to my ASL (Sign Language) students. Here are some videos of the students showing off the ASL stories they learned. All the stories are fictional except Zach's story which was an introduction.

They all did a wonderful job. The ASL course I used to teach my students was created by a Deaf Director / Instructor / Webmaster: William G. Vicars. His full course can be found at:

Next set of vids are about Kindom series Medieval History class. This class was taught by Iaci Flanders. She was awesome. Always engaging the kids, making history come alive and interesting.

This next video has two boys from the medieval history class sword fighting with swords made out of PVC pipes.

Okay, last video. Zach talks about his Templar Knight costume. He talks really quiet so it is hard to hear what he says. But he basically explains that he pick being a Templar Knight because it's the only costume Mom knew how to make :). It's funny, because Matt made most of it.

Sam sang several songs for her choir class and Spanish class

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