Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cranky neck explaination

I think I need to explain why it seems my neck has been waging war on me lately. I was in a car accident when I was, I think nineteen. And like the Taliban, it hid, waited, and plotted it attack. See, I never went to the hospital after the accident, in which my head slammed into the windshield and I got whiplash. Oddly enough, my head didn't hurt that much, but the next day my neck felt like I got a round house kick from Chuck Norris! I still didn't go to the hospital because I didn't have insurance. So I just let it heal; which it did and I felt fine for years. Okay, fast-forward to when we moved into our first home. After all the moving and lifting I was in intense pain like I had whiplash all over again! I would cry the pain was so bad. Well, this time I had insurance so I went in. Doc told me, that because I didn't take care of my neck when the injury first happened, my neck will be susceptible to relapse for the rest of my life! Now, I hope that explains why I seem to be injuring my neck so much. Oh the joys of an older body and I'm not that old! Shesh, if this keeps up, I'm gonna fall apart before I hit my 40s!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Enjoying silly music

Lately I've been in the mood for music that is fun. No, Emo here! I asked Matt to introduce me to some new music because I'm bored with what we have. So what does he find me...Flight of the Conchords and Jonathan Coulton. These singers have the most hilarious songs I think I've ever heard. Be advised that most of these songs are not child friendly.
Here are some examples of Jonathan Coulton:

Now for some Flight of the Conchords:

Can always count on Matt to find me just what I need to make me laugh and keep life interesting :).