I struggled working as a Grainger Customer Service rep for almost a year. The floors vibrated because of people walking and my MS didn't like it. I could only work part-time because of it. Even then, I would be dizzy everyday after work and needed a cane to walk around while working there. I was in a constant fog as I struggled with the dizziness and multi-tasking while trying to handle customers over the phone. I was miserable.
I'm happy to announce I got a new job at Grainger as a Cash Processing Administrator on the first floor! The floors shouldn't vibrate so I can work full time now!
I've already been in training for a week in Illinois and can already tell this new job is a better fit. I won't have to multi-task while on the phone either. All communications are done through the computer. Yay!! I had a blast getting to know my new coworkers...and some old ones. I still have more training to do, but I'm more hopeful than I have been in a while.
This is close to the Grainger building where I was training. pretty cool.
On to change number two. We have been trying to refinance this house for a while. Our last appraisal was depressing. This time around it looks good. We hope to start getting some major repairs done that are in critical status.
Change three might not even happen. I was suppose to start Ocrevus infusions last week but had to cancel it because I was in Illinois. I honestly don't know if I want to reschedule. I've read up on the side effects that can happened during the first 2 infusions that are a week apart. Most describe flu-like symptoms that can last a few days or even a month. It's suppose to go away and after that I would only have to have 2 infusions a year. These infusions are an immunosuppressant. Meaning it can adversely affect how I fight off illnesses. Upper respiratory infections being the most common. I have asthma. My respiratory system is already compromised. Do I take the risk? Plus, with this new job I really can't afford to be sick. For goodness sake, I had 3 relapses while on MS medication! Starting to have my doubts y'all!
There are other changes that are currently in the works. Zach is shopping for a car and hoping to move out soon. Sam is flourishing in school and making new friends. I've been on a spiritual journey that has me deep in the Word. I've been really excited to learn some Greek and Hebrew to understand the Bible and the context in which it was written. I feel like I'm reading the Bible for the first time again with a renewed fervor.
I thank the Lord for His presence during all theses changes.