I'm sitting in my living room after a nice relaxing Christmas day thinking about what a great day we had. Well, first I should cover Christmas Eve which was kind of stressful for me. But, the church was kind enough to give me 2 gift certificates! I hope to use them to buy a Kindle Fire. Anyway, even though all of our Deaf church members were out of town, I still interpreted so it could be broadcasted on TV. I may not get paid for that job, but I take it seriously.
Those old Christmas songs are hard to interpret. Even harder if I can't prepare ahead of time. This year there was only one song I was not able to prepare for, "The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came." I really struggled with that one. The rest of the songs I was able to work out my interpretations and write them down. Took me about six hours of studying and preparing but, I think I signed them quit smoothly. I did enjoy interpreting the song, "Joseph's Lullaby." Beautiful, touching song. Wish I had a video of it.
Per our tradition, the kids opened one gift before church services on Christmas Eve. Zach opened his Lego mini figures he got from Sam. Sam opened the one from her dad, which was season 2 of, "Full House." That's right, my kids like that cheesy sitcom from my childhood! .
Christmas Day:
We slept til 8 AM, but we didn't open presents right away. No. We played Mario Cart together! Then, when Matt woke up, we opened presents. Matt got me a new Foreman Grill. my old one was kind of a pill to clean and dangerous too. The cord would over heat. Thought it was going to start the house on fire one of these days. I got Matt, a new MP3 player (since his old one is on the brink of death) and the book, "Pathfinder" by Orson Scott Card, one of Matt's favorite authors. Zach was happy with the other Lego stuff he got from Sam. From us (Mom and Dad) he got a MP3 player, WII points and a sled. He even got a Doctor who Lego mini figure in his stocking. Zach got Sam a Webkinz Froo Froo Fox that he made her go on a scavenger hunt to find! She is excited to sew her new shoulder bag and coin purse she got from her loving parents. We also got her a new devotional just for girls. And what a nice surprise to get a gift in the mail from Grandma Rose, the movie, "Santa & Pete."
After we ate breakfast and opened presents we went to Ice Age Trail and took a family picture.
After lunch we went to John and Jenny's in Evansville to go sledding. Zach got to try out his new sled.
They had a great time with their cousins! Ah, now time to sleep. We got school in the morning!