Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quest Show Case night.

Tonight the kids got a chance to show off what they had learned in several of their classes.  We were so happy that Kiki, John, Jenny and the boys were able to join us.
Here is Sam doing the Pledge of Allegiance for Beginning Sign Language Class.

After that, the Advanced ASL class did a conversation.  Deb Perrino and I did the 'signed' conversation and Zach voice interpreted.  It went pretty well.  I wasn't able to get any photos or video because, well, I was preforming and so was Zach.

Then Sam went on to sing to us with the young childrens' choir.

Zach got up with his science class and they did an experiment.  I honestly don't know what the experiment was about.  I was too busy with Sam and trying to get a decent photo of Zach.
It was a good night unless you had to use the men's bathroom.  Then you were in a pickle.  Someone decided to put a full roll of toilet paper in each toilet.  We don't know who it was or if it even was someone from our group.  luckily there was a bathroom down stairs after we got the doors unlocked.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sam's new name sign

We were discussing "name signs" in ASL class today with our homeschool group. Sam asked what her's was and didn't like that we just fingerspelled S-A-M. Too boring for her taste ;). So here she is to ask if she can change it. Basically it's the sign for princess with a "S". Let us know what you think.  Personally, I love the way she is so forceful when she says "want" and then at the end has the sweetest little smile.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter in Wausau

We left on Thursday 4/8/2010 and stayed til Sunday.  I didn't have a back-up interpreter this time, but Lesetta insisted that I go anyway.  She knows my grandfather is dying from colon cancer and that this will probably be the last time I will see him before his funeral.  It was great to finally get to see him.  Last time I was in Wausau, he wouldn't let me and the kids come visit.  He had just had a procedure done and was in a great deal of pain and diarrhea issues.  This time he was on morphine and we actually didn't call and ask to be invited.  We just showed up.  I knew my Aunt Mary was going to be there from California, so it gave us an excuse that he couldn't refuse.  He never did refuse our visit thankfully and was actually a joy to be around.  His spirits were high and liked watching the kids play with his dogs.
Last time I spoke with my mom she said they upped his morphine because the infection in his foot has gotten worse from his diabetes.  They of course can't operate because his heart is so bad.  Now Grandpa Prahl is having difficulty remembering when or if he has takes his meds.  Sometimes I'm sad that it won't be long now.  Then other times I just don't want him to suffer anymore.  My mom and her siblings are over at his place a lot to help out.  I know this has got to be really hard on my mom since she watched and cared for my grandma Prahl in much the same way.  It pains me not to be there.  More so for my mom than for my grandfather I hate to say.  I was never really close with my grandpa Prahl, but I am glad we got a chance to see him before he goes.
Well, on to less depressing stuff.  We did actually have a fun time in Wausau.  Got lots of Sydney snuggles and smiles.  Which alone is totally worth the 3 hour drive up there.

My Aunt Rhonda hosted the Easter gathering at her house.  Complete with Easter egg hunt and enough food to feed an army.  There was barely any food left when we were all done.

I finally got to meet Madison, my unofficial cousin Jamie's new baby.  That child constantly has her tongue out.  She is, I think, 3 or 4 months younger than Sydney but is almost the same size as Sydney is now.

Before we knew it it was time to head on home with our loot of candy.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Zach has Pneumonia

Poor Zach has been suffering with a fever and a bad cough for 5 days.  For a while it looked like his fever was going down and his behavior was more energetic.  But, then it went back up.  So, I finally took him in.   We recently switched insurance providers so we had to go to a new doctor and a new clinic in a different town.  They were great.  There is something about a small town clinic that is the best.  We didn't sit and wait hardly at all and got the strep test and x-ray results back right away.  Zach got to see his x-ray.  And for the science nerd he is, that was awesome.  Even if it did show his left lung pretty full.  Luckily the strep test was negative but his blood oxygen level was 93.  Nurse told me it should be around 99.  They did a great job stressing to Zach how serious this illness is and how important it is for him to taking his medications.  He got a shot of Rocephin in the butt and needs to have another shot tomorrow.  The shot made him really nauseous.  I have never seen him so green!  After getting home, having lunch, and taking the 3 different medications prescribed, he's resting now on the fold out couch because he says it's more comfortable.  We are praying for the Lord to heal him quickly.

Update: 4/7/2010
Zach is a better now and just got back from his finally chest x-ray.  The x-ray shows that he does have a little scaring in his left lung.  The doctor is confident it will heal over time.  But that means we get to go to Wausau for Easter!!  Yes we are celebrating Easter a week late in Wausau.