Thursday, April 20, 2017

Retinal Specialist and psychologist

It has been an eventful day. My friend, Kimberly Holmes, drove me and Sam to Madison for our appointments. My appointment with the retina specialist went really well. He said the cyst in my right eye was unlike anything they've seen before, but now it's mostly gone and they are scratching their heads! Praise Jesus!! 

Then, I find out Kimberly's van battery died. She had trouble getting people to help her. Finally, Someone was gracious enough to give us a jump and we went on to our next appointment - Sam's dyslexia appointment! She's super thrilled. As you can tell!
Today's appointment for Sam was mostly a meet and greet with the psychologist. Basically, they just want to make sure that it really is dyslexia and not a behavioral problem. So Sam had to answer around 40 questions about things like how she handles situations, drugs, family life, etc. Next appointment Sam will have to take a 3 hour test for dyslexia. It will be brutal and stressful.